To reduce the risk of excessive pressures and temperatures in this water heater, install
temperature and pressure protective equipment required by local codes, but no less than a
combination temperature relief valve certified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that
maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, as meeting the
requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply Systems,
ANSI Z21.22-latest edition.
This valve must be marked with a maximum set pressure not to exceed the marked working
pressure of the water heater. Install the valve into an opening provided and marked for this
purpose in the water heater, and orient it or provide tubing so that any discharge from the valve
will exit only within 6 inches above a suitable drain. The discharge opening must not be blocked
or reduced in size under any circumstances. The heat transfer medium must be water or other
non-toxic fluid having a toxicity rating or class of 1, as listed in clinical Toxicology of Commercial
Products, latest edition.
Installation, start-up and servicing of IBC boilers and water heaters must be done with due care
and attention, and should only be performed by competent, qualified, licensed and trained
heating technicians.
The instructions in the manual focus almost entirely on installations where the IBC indirect water
heater is used with a compatible IBC boiler. Installers and designers must read the IBC boiler
manuals and application notes to ensure that finished installations operate in harmony, and
deliver optimal energy savings and efficiency.
Although IBC indirect water heaters are compatible with most other boiler makes, installers and
designers must tailor their designs to the specific control, operational and installation
requirements of alternative boilers. This equipment must be installed according to the installation
regulations of the local area. These regulations must be carefully followed in all cases. Authorities
having jurisdiction must be consulted before the installations are made.
All wiring on water heaters must adhere to the National Electrical Code and/or local regulations.
Safety information