ibaPADU-8/ -16/ -32/ -32-R
Issue 3.3
The devices ibaPADU-8, ibaPADU-16, ibaPADU-32 and ibaPADU-32-R (Parallel Ana-
log Digital Units) are designed for data acquisition and control purposes for up to 1 kHz
sampling rate. The four basic device types differ only in the amount of signals per de-
vice i.e. ibaPADU-8 = 8 analog plus 8 binary inputs. Concerning resolution and accu-
racy all devices are similar.
To meet a variety of demands the devices differ in the number of channels and hous-
ibaPADU-8: Standalone device with 8 A+8 D channels and DIN-rail mount
ibaPADU-16: Table chassis with 16 A+16 D channels and AC 115 V/250 V power
ibaPADU-32: Similar to ibaPADU-16 but with 32 A+32 D channels
ibaPADU-32-R: 19“ rack mount device with 32 A+32 D channels and
AC 115 V/250 V power supply
If no special reference to a device is made in the following text the devices are named
as ibaPADU in general. For special measuring tasks devices with different I/O physics
e. ±20 mA) or higher input impedance (ibaPADU-8-HI) are available
(see chapter 8.3).
The devices are ideally suited for the following applications:
Process data acquisition
Trouble Shooting and error detection
Portable measuring devices (e. g. with the table versions)
To guarantee a good dynamic range or SNR ratio of the signals every A/D channel is
equipped with its own A/D converter.
All ibaPADU devices can be linked in a daisy-chain on the fiber optic links. A maximum
of 64 analog plus 64 digital channels may be connected per link (i. e. 2 x ibaPADU-32,
8 x ibaPADU-8).
For examples for different topologies see chapter 7.2.