Current-limiting value at standstill during positioning
The factory setting conforms to the standard specification of the actuator.
Increasing this setting will increase the holding torque at standstill.
This setting need not be changed in normal conditions of use. However, to prevent hunting caused by
large external force applied while the actuator is at standstill, the value set in parameter No. 12 must be
(Do not increase the value beyond 70%.)
Current-limiting value during home return
The factory setting conforms to the standard specification of the actuator.
Increasing this setting will increase the home return torque.
This setting need not be changed in normal conditions of use. However, if an increased slide resistance
causes the home return to complete before the correct position depending on the affixing method, load
condition or other factor when the actuator is used in a vertical application, the value set in parameter No.
13 must be increased.
(Do not increase the value beyond 75%.)
8.3.3 Parameters Relating to the External Interface
PIO pattern selection
Select the PIO operation pattern in parameter No. 25.
This setting forms the basis of operation, so be sure to set this parameter at the beginning.
The factory setting is “0: [Conventional].
Parameter No.
25 setting
Feature of PIO pattern
0 Conventional
This pattern is compatible with the pin assignments of the RCP controller.
1 Standard
All functions of the RCP controller are available, plus the home-return command
input, servo ON input, reset input, moving output and ready output.
2 64-point
Compared with the standard pattern offering only 16 positioning points, this pattern
provides up to 64 positioning points.
However, the servo ON input, ready output and zone output have been removed.
2 zone output signals
Compared with the standard pattern offering only one zone output signal, this pattern
provides two zone output signals.
However, the moving output has been removed.
The boundaries for the second zone output signal are specified in user parameter
Nos. 23 and 24.
4 Teaching
This pattern allows for normal positioning operation, as well as jogging and writing of
current position to a specified position using I/Os.
Switching between the normal positioning mode and teaching mode is effected by the
MODE input signal.
The mode switching completion output has been added to indicate that the modes
have been switched.
However, the zone output has been removed.
(Note) Position data can be rewritten up to around 100,000 times.