This function will be out of effect after the unit moves outside the district.
13 . Restart the tracker.
Send SMS
to the tracker. For example“reboot123456”.The tracker will be restarted. It will
reply “system will reboot...”.
14. Enquiry Positioning
Send SMS
to the unit, then the unit will send SMS with real-time longitude and latitude to the cell
If you have set authorized phone number, then GPS tracker will only send message to authorized phone number.
If you do not set authorized phone number, then it can reply to any number.
15. Modes switch between “telephone” and “web”
Set up: Send SMS “
” to device. For example, the password is 123456. Send SMS “web123456”
to the device, the device will reply SMS “set web ok”. After this, the tracker will report the GPS data to IP
Default :web
If you want to send GPS data to telephone, you can send SMS “
” to device, the device will
reply “set telephone ok”. And then, the device will send GPS data to your telephone by SMS.
Relations diagram:
16. Modify IP address and port
The IP address and port of the tracker can be modified and transferred data to other platform. Send SMS
ip port+port value”
to the unit. If the platform’s IP address and port is and 7000,
send SMS “ip58.64.200.196port7000” to the tracker. It will reply “set IP address and PORT ok.”. After this,
device will send GPS data to this IP and Port.
Default ip: port:7000
17. Set APN
Case 1 (No apn user name and apn password)
In order to send GPS data to IP address, you still must set mobile network Access Point Name (APN). If you
don’t know the APN, you can consult local network service supplier. The format of set APN is
+space+apn name”
. For example you send SMS “apn123456 cmnet” to the device. The device will reply SMS
“Set APN ok.”
Default APN:cmnet
Case 2 (Need apn user name and apn password)
1.Send SMS
“apn+paspace+apn name”