f) Daylight Saving:
Check this box to add one hour.
g) Reboot Time:
The signage player will reboot at specified time if box is
checked. This option can be useful when you need to update the signage
playerʼs playlist and media contents because upon a reboot, the client player
will automatically check for latest playlist version if autostart is enabled for
HTTP URL update (explained below).
h) Device On:
The signage player will turn on video at specified time.
i) Device Off:
The signage player will turn off video at specified time.
j) Video output:
Options include S-Video (composite), and VGA. With the
remote control, use the
key to cycle between modes.
k) Off/Local CF/HTTP URL Address:
When the signage player boots up
initially, it will execute one of three commands depending on this option.
will pause the signage player to wait for next command.
Local CF
autoplay any media content on the CF card based on local playlist.
will specify the signage player to goto this URL and download/update
playlist and any new media content subsequently.
l) Update Client:
This is a remote command to update the signage player with
a new autoconfig.mia file. It will send this file to the signage player and these
new settings will be saved in EEPROM. It will take approximately 20-30
seconds to reboot.