[FTP port number]
Designate the FTP port number of the recorder.
It is unnecessary to change it for normal use.
1 - 65535
• The following numbers, the HTTP port number,
the HTTPS port number, the site alarm receive
port number and the port number of the port for-
warding are unavailable.
20, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110,
123, 161, 162, 443, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002,
10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007
[Attach the alteration detection code (FTP)]
Determine whether or not to attach the alteration
detection code to the recorded images to be down-
loaded from an FTP server.
Off: Does not attach the alteration detection code.
On: Attaches the alteration detection code.
[Internet mode (This product
Set this to transmit the camera live image (H.264/H.265)
via the Internet. It can transmit the H.264/H.265 image
with the settings of the broad band router kept the same
as the JPEG image transmission.
On: Uses the HTTP port to transmit the image
and audio.
Off: Uses the UDP port to transmit the image and
Auto: Uses the HTTP port to transmit the image
and audio if the network address of the desti-
nation is different from that of the recorder.
Port forwarding
Click the [Setup >] button to set the port forwarding.
[Port forwarding]
Set whether to enable the port forwarding or not.
On: Sets the port forwarding.
Off: Does not set the port forwarding.
[Port setup]
Set the port number of each camera between 1 to
65535 if the port forwarding is set.
Cam.1 60001 ~ Cam.64 60064
• The following numbers, the HTTP port number,
the HTTPS port number, the FTP port number, the
site alarm receive port number and the port num-
ber of other port forwarding are unavailable.
20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 105, 110,
123, 161, 162, 443, 546, 547, 995, 10001, 10002,
10003, 10004, 10005, 10006, 10007
[Easy IP Setup accommodate period]
Set time to enable operation of the network settings
from the dedicated software to 20 minutes or unlim-
ited from the launch of the recorder.
20 min: Enables operation to change the IP
address of the recorder from the dedicated
software for 20 minutes only after the launch
of the recorder.
Unlimited: Always enables operation to change
the IP address of the recorder from the dedi-
cated software.
20 min
[Back] button
Click this button after completing the settings.
[Setup via recorder's main monitor]