Delete Folder
You can choose delete process depend on that selection message box or once deleted all
folder messages.
Select Templates press OK, the templates options appear.
From the MMS templates list, press Options to View, Detail and Create MMS.
Before sending email, please first set up an email account. For details, please refer to
"Email accounts".
Write Email
Select Email > Write Email from the main menu to access the email editing screen.
Select Subject and edit the contents.
Select the Message text box to edit the content.
Select Options > Add attachment to attach Picture, Ringtone, Video, etc.
Select Options > Send to to send the email.
All Emails received are saved in the Inbox. Select an email and press the OK key to view
the content. In the Details screen, select Options for the following operations:
View/ Reply/ Reply to all/ Reply via message/ Reply to all via
message/Forward/ Delete
Those emails which failed to be sent are retained in the Outbox.
Select an email and press the OK key to access the editing screen. Edit the related
information. For details, perform the same operations as in creating an email.
The emails sent to the server are saved in the sent box. Select an email and press the
OK key to view the details. You may select Options to perform the same operations
as those of the Inbox.
The saved new emails are saved in Drafts. Select the desired email in Drafts and press
the OK key to access the editing screen. Edit the related information. For details,
perform the same operations as in creating an email.
Email accounts
Select Email and select an account.
The related account information contains: General, Incoming and Outgoing.
Return to the Account screen. Select Options > Select to activate this account.
After completing all settings, press Back.
Note: For the account settings, contact your network operator.
Voice messages
Voice messages are a network service and you may need to subscribe to it first. For more
information and for the voice mail number, contact your service provider. Press Menu,
and select Messages, and Voice messages.
Each phone line may have its own voice mailbox number.
Within Voice messages submenu, choose SIM1 or SIM2.
The option are:Dial to listen/Edit/Erase
Choose the option and press OK to save it.
In the Idle mode, holding and pressing 1 can connect to voice mail.
Broadcast message
Broadcast message are spread by the network service to all handsets in a cell. User cans
enable/disable the service to choose if user wants to receive broadcast messages from
particular channels or not.
Receive mode
When you turn on/off the mode, you can choose to receive or not receive the last