3. Touch and hold a widget icon to pick up the widget, then
back to the Home screen
To remove a widget on Home screen
If you want to remove the widget, you can touch and hold
the widget icon on Home screen, and then drag it to
Arranging your Home screen
To move an item on Home screen
Touch and hold an item on Home screen, then drag it where
you want.
To organize your apps with folders
To make a new folder on your Home screen, stack one app
on top of another.
To name folder on Home screen
1. Touch the apps stack on Home screen to open
2. Touch the Unnamed Folder to show the name folder field.
3. Edit the folder name.
To move application shortcuts on Home screen to a
Touch and hold the item on Home screen , and then stack
the app on top of others.
To move application shortcuts in a folder to Home