The Z-Range battery can be stacked in 3 different configurations:
• Standing on its back
• Stacked with brackets
• Stacked in a cabinet (each battery is 3U in height)
Figure 3: Z-Range Battery Module dimentions
Figure 2: 4 Stacked Z-Range Battery Modules
A maximum of 4 units can be stacked when using the brackets. It is recommended to use
two or more stacks when more than 4 units are installed. Figure 2 illustrates the stacking
methodology of the Z-Range using the brackets.
The battery voltages need to be - 0.5 V to be integrated. The batteries are shipped at
100%, and tend to settle around 53.5 V during transport. If an additional battery is added to the
system, it is recommended that the existing units be charged to 100% and allowed to settle (be
without loads or charging) to integrate the new battery.
Figure 3 shows the Z-Range dimentions