® Waves System
V 1.2 - 2014
I.D. AL - MicroPlayer mkII - Wav MP3 Audio player - User manual
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Special case:
Folder 000 is the folder which will be played by default when powering on. When
powering on, presence of this folder is checked ; if it is present, the player plays files of this folder.
If this folder is missing, the player turns in to stop mode.
Note: The folder which is read by default when powering on can be modified in the configuration
menu. (see chapter 5)
Additional Parameters - Optional Tags:
To modify the conduct of the player, you can add optional parameters within the folder name. These
parameters are boxed with the symbols "[" "]". You can add several parameters within the folder
- Jump to another folder after reading the current folder or play in loop
- Returns to the previous folder after reading the current folder
- Specifies random or sequential playback mode for the current folder
- Activate the output contacts
- Controls the volume level of the folder
[NT] Or [DT]
Define interruption modes
– Sending of RS232 codes
- Play the folder during all the time that the corresponding inputs is activated
- Play a defined number of audio files from the folder
Note: If no optional parameter has been indicated, the player reads randomly the folder in full and
then stops. The folder can be intterupted
Assign the folder number to read after the reading the current folder
By adding this parameter within the name of the folder, you define the conduct of the player after
reading the current folder so that it starts reading another folder for example. This option is also used
to read a folder in a loop mode.
The xxx parameter of the tag [Jxxx] is the number of folder to play. It is always written with 3 digits
(example: 001, 045, 999). It is between 000 and 999.
001 [J002]: Jump to folder 002 after reading folder 001
003 [J003]: Jump to folder 003 after reading folder 003-> create a loop of the 003 folder
008 [J023]: Jump to folder 023 after reading 008
458[J999] : Jump to folder 999 after reading folder 458
To play loop files on powering on, you will use the folder 000 and the tag [J000] ( value by default that
can be modifiable through config.txt file - see chapter 5)
- Returns to the previously read folder after reading the current folder
You are reading a folder. A command arrives in order to read another folder having [RET] tag. The
player jumps in the new folder, reads the content of this new folder and once all files are read the
player goes back to the reading of the previous folder. You can use this function to broadcast a same
message after the reading of folders.
Several different folders can appoint a same folder in order to come back to the folder that has called him.