1. Power switch: Isolates unit from the line supply.
2. Power on: When illuminated indicates AC power is applied to unit.
3. On: Indicates the amplifier is in operation.
4. Trip: Indicates dc. voltage present on amplifier output or amplifier has
reached an excessive temperature
5. Bridge:
Idicates that bridge mode has been selected
6. L/R Peak: Indicates onset of distortion.
7. L/R Level: Sets the gain of each channel of the amplifier.
When the channel peak indicator lights it is indicating full power of the amplifier and the
onset of distortion. It not recommended to allow these to light continuously, because
although it sounds undistorted to the ear, long term damage to the loudspeakers, & horns
may occur. Reduce your input level, so the lights flash occasionally
If this is not enough volume, then you are underpowered for your application and should
consider increasing your power amp size before damage occurs to the rest of your system.
You can turn the amplifier on or off either at the mains supply socket, or by using the
green neon rocker switch on the left hand side of the front panel.
Please note: it is good practice to turn down the volume controls during switch on as
precaution against speaker damage. Which can be caused by instant high level feedback
from an open channel mixer & mic, or system instability.
On initial switch on, the 'trip indicator' will light; this should go out after a few seconds
(when the amplifier supplies have stabilised). It is not recommended to switch the
amplifier on and off rapidly several times over a short period.
Select either mono or stereo mode can be made at any time, using the button at the rear
of the unit. In the stereo mode, the left and right channels behave independently. In the
mono mode the left and right input signals are summed together and halved and fed to
both left and right amplifiers. Mono mode is indicated by the depressed button on the rear
of the unit.
Bridge mode can be selected by using the button at the rear of the unit, the selection will
be indicated on the front by the yellow lamp. The 'CH1 & CH3 INPUTS' are the only
operative inputs, and the 'CH1 & CH3 VOLUMES' are the only operative gain controls for
each of the bridged pairs. The total power of either of the amplifier pairs can then be
developed into an 8 ohm load connected positive to pin 2 on the 'CH1 OUTPUT' XLR and
negative to pin 2 on the 'CH2 OUTPUT'XLR, or similarly 'CH3 OUTPUT' XLR and
negative to pin 2 on the 'CH4 OUTPUT'XLR.