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Engine compartment precau-
tions (Diesel engine)
• The piezo injector operates at high
voltage (maximum 200v).
Therefore, the following accidents
may occur.
- Direct contact with the injector or
injector wiring may cause electric
shock or damage your muscle or
nerve system.
- The electromagnetic wave from
the operating injector may cause
the artificial heart pacemaker to
• Follow the safety tips provided
below, when you are checking the
engine room while the engine is
- Do not touch the injector, injector
wirings, and the engine computer
while the engine is running.
- Do not remove the injector con-
nector while the engine is run-
- People using pacemakers must
not go near the engine while the
engine is starting or running.
- Diesel Engine
Never work on injection system
with engine running or within 30
seconds after shutting off
engine. High-pressure pump,
rail, injectors and high-pressure
pipes are subject to high pres-
sure even after the engine
stopped. The fuel jet produced
by fuel leaks may cause serious
injury, if it touches the body.
People using pacemakers
should not move than 30cm
closer to the ECU or wiring har-
ness within the engine room
while engine is running, since
the high currents in the elec-
tronic engine control system
produce considerable magnetic
• When you remove the interior
trim cover with a flat head (-)
driver, be careful not to dam-
age the cover.
• Be careful when you replace
and clean bulbs to avoid
burns or electrical shock.