Hyundai MP3-01 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 24

Содержание MP3-01



Страница 3: ...1 l lgl 5 l1B e 8 1 IN L r Lr i l 6 ...

Страница 4: shown in VOLUMExx on the display panel Turn left to decrease the Volume level Afier 5 secondsof volume indication display will return to the previous mode 1 SOUND FUNCTION SELECTION AUDIOSELECTION ThisbuttoniD istoadjustthesound Each timeyoumomentarily press buttoni LCDdisplays each modeasfollows VOLUME BASS TREBLE BAL _ FADER BEEP r When this button is pressed LCD display shows selectedfunctio...

Страница 5: ...econds of choosingtheTreblemode turn right left adiustthetrebleresponse asdesired Thefreble levelwillbeshownonthedisplay panelFrom a mr nimum o TREBLE 10 toa maximum of TREBLE 10 The display will automaticallyreturn to the normal indication in 5 secondsafter the last adjustmentor when another functionisactivated O 4 BALANCE CONTROL To adjust the left right speakerbalance first setectthe Balancemod...

Страница 6: ...s equal FADER F R will be shown on the display panel The display will automatically return to the normal indication in 5 secondsafter the last adiustmentor when another function is activated 6 BEEP CONTROL To adjust the Beepmode first selectthe Beepmode by pressingthe Selectbutton D until BEEP indication appearson the display panel The Beepmode will be shown on the display panel from BEEP 2ND BEEP...

Страница 7: ...k will blink on the LCD panel Pressthebutton againto return to the mode in usebeforetheMute mode was activated LOUDNESS CONTROL LOUD When listeningto musicat low volume levels this featurewill boostthebassand trebleresponse This actionwill compensate for thereductionin bassand trebleperformanceexreriencedat low volume PressLOUD button6 to activatethis feafure This LOUD mirk will be indiiated on th...

Страница 8: ...ohas its own individual anti theft security pin code Entering an incorrectpin code or usinS incorrectprocedureswill not activateyour stereoto an operationalstatus 5 Your anti theft pin codeis made up of four computer generatednumbers 6 An examplepin codemay be 3212 7 To enter pin code 3272tnto your stereo always follow thesesteps a PressPre setbutton number one 1 three 3 times b PressPre setbutton...

Страница 9: ...ed to follow the correct instructions or that you enteredthe incorrectpin code 12 If you fail to succeedto enterthe correctpin codeat the third attempt your stereowill turn off You will needto wait at leastone hour beforeattempting to re enterthe correctanti theft securitypin codenumber using the aboveprocedures correctly Your Hyundai stereohasthe anti theft securiV pin codeenteredinto it prior to...

Страница 10: ...M2 FM3 AM MANUAL UP DOWN TUNING a xz To automaticallyselecta radio station momentarilv pressthe UP TUNE SEEKbutton r trr DOWN TUNE SEEK button Z l for lessthan 3 secondsto searchfor the closestradio station To manually selecta radio stationin either FM 50KH4 AM 9KIfz pressthe Up Tuning Down Tuninplbutton for longer than 3 seconds The radio frequencywill move up or down stepby stepeachtime you pres...

Страница 11: ...clnmclmeIrtarilvagaintoremairionthestation c ncaro 2 BESTSTATIONMEMORY BSM PressingBSM button 1l fln ipllggr thrn 2 scclt ttlsrvill activatcthe BSM tuning feafur e I rrhichwill ar rtomatically scanand enter e rch statiorrirrtomemol lIfr ottlllrti rlreatlt settheprt setmemoriestovtllurfar oritcstaticlns actir atingtlreBSMfiihgfeature tlrosestatiorrsandcinter thenc ro11eS T risBSN 1lcatureisnltllstt...

Страница 12: ... and selectthe desiredband b Selectthe first station to be pre setusing the Manual tr DOWN or Automatic SeekTuning Control 9 r c Pressthe chosenpre setbutton to storeyour selectedstationinto and continue to hold it in The Beepsound will be momentarily heard and the pre set nnmber will appear on the display panel indicating that the station is norv set into that pre setmemory position and can be re...

Страница 13: ...yin the backward direction Note In caseof playing MP3 disc you can searchthe file in Cue and Review with Mute not audible Play Cue and Review within a locatedfile song and play soundsautomaticallyat thefirst selection of a file MP3 DIRECTORY FILE SEARCHING Thisbutton i 2 isusedto selecta particulardirectory and files Pressand hold for more than 2 seconds while playing MP3 disc Turn right left this...

Страница 14: ...n when you find the wanted file The unit will then play the selectedfi1e For instance the file searchchangesin DirOl asfollows FileOl File02 FiIeO3 FileO4 MP3 directory file configuration ROOT I Directory01 File01 File02 File03 File 04 Dir 02 File05 File06 Dir 05 File07 File08 Dir 06 File09 File10 Dir 07 Dir 04 l ...

Страница 15: ...this button DIRECTORY UP Press D button briefly while playing MP3 disc The next directory is locatedeachtime you pressthis button a Note If the MP3 disc doesnot havea directory this button cannot oPerate If your discdoesnot containany MP3 fi1e this button can not operate If the directory does not contain any MP3 files it will be skinped t6l ...

Страница 16: ... pressDISI disilay the display changesto show the followine I I m ffi Ffri hT lilltfi a mmmrml Note If your discdoesnot containany text will show NO TEXT on LCD panel If theMP3 discdoesnot haveany ID3 will show NO ID3 on LCD panel information the display information the dispiay D name normal mode perforrrrer title i elapsed time I I Directory name file Y Alburn narne I Y Track number ...

Страница 17: ...s fromthedisplay panel Repeat Playmodewillalsobecancelled byactivating RandomPlay t or Intro t i functioirs Note In case of playingMP3disc whentheRPTbuttonrspressed andheldlongerthan2seconds the RPT markwill blinkontlie LCD paneljnd play all filesin the selected Directorvand will berepe ated until the DirectoryRepeatmodeis cancelled bv pressing theRepeat buttonagainorby activating theIntroor Rando...

Страница 18: ... use3 Scm CD singlediscsin this unit either n ith or n ithout arradapter asdamageto the player and or disc can occur Such damagewill not be coveredby the warranty on this oroduct 18 I G DrscEJECr a By pressingOISCE ECTbutton t 9 the discwill be ejectedand theunit will return to the Previousmode titlie discii not removed from the player after eject your dis_c or player may beaccidentallydamaged Pla...

Страница 19: ...tionson the instaliationand correctloadine and use of the CD magazine CD Changer On Off control To commenceCD Changeroperation press Mode button i3 on theradio r rnlcK sELEcr TRACKA z TUNE SEEK button i9 is used to quickly selectthe beginning of a track Press the Fonvard Track Selectbutton A or Backrt ard Track Selectbutton Z to locatethe desired track as shown bv the track number on the display p...

Страница 20: ...ess the INT button againand play of that discwill continue INT will disappearfrom the display panel The Disc mode will alsobe cancelledby activating any other discfunction Select Review Random or Repeat ir c t i TRACK DISC REPEAT RPT When the RPTbutton is pressed the RPT will appearon the display panel and play of the selectedtrack will be continually repeateduntil the Track Repeatmode is cancelle...

Страница 21: ...lay panel When the Random button is pressedand held longer than 2 seconds the RND mark r r ill blink on the LCD panel and the discsin the magazine will be played in a random shuffled order and the trackswill be played in shuffled order The Disc Random mode can be cancelledby piessing the RND button again or activating the RepeatiL4 or Intro t_lfunctions RND will disappearfrom the display panel urs...

Страница 22: ... necessary depending on the particular telephone TEL MUTE will appearon the radio display panel during telephoneuse For installation of your mobile telepl rone kit to operate this Mute feature you should refer this installation application to your Hyundai Dealerto ensureyou do not void warranty applicationsrelating to the vehicle or your stereo ...

Страница 23: ...been misused or abusedwill be applied prior to any service work carried out This guaranteedoes not cover any call for warranty serviceor changeover product serviceif it is recognizedthat your complaint is causedby your use of damaged faulty CD Discsor imperfectCD R and CD RW discs Your MP3 CD Playerwill only play MP3 files recordedusing the ISO 9660 JOLIETand or the UDF formats Your MP3 CD Playerw...

Страница 24: ...h temperaturesor high humidity for extendedperiods Do not stick paper tape or labelson the disc surfacesnor write on them with any type of marker 2 Discswith non standardshapes e g heart square star cannotbe played on this unit Attempting to do so may damagethe unit Do not use suchdiscs 3 Beforeplaying cleanthe discswith a commercially availablecleaningcloth Wipe eachdisc from the centerollt Do no...

Страница 25: ...yer the following error codesmay be displayed on the LCD LCD SYMBOL ERROR DESCRIPTION ERROR1 LOAD Loading is not available ERROR2 MECHANISM Mechanism problem ERROR3 FAULT Mechanism fault ERROR4 SERVO Disc data error or servo crror ERROR5 CD DISC Discerror ...

Страница 26: ...t available ERROR4 UNLOADING Unloading is not available ERROR5 ELEVATOR Elevatoris not available ERROR6 FAULT Mechanismfauit ERROR7 FOCUS DISC DATA Failedin Focusingthree times to read Data or Data is not available ERROR8 CLV DISC DATA Normal CLV ConstantLinear Velocity is not availableor Disc Data is not available ERROR9 TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS Failed to read TOC within 15seconds ERROR 10 ERROR30 T...

Страница 27: ...iles tracks recordedon CD R CD RW and CD ROM 2 Precautionswhen creatingMP3 disc Usablesampling ratesand bit rates MP3 Sampling rate44 1KH2 Bit rate 32Kbps 320Kbps VBR Logicalformat Fi1e system When writing MP3 file on a CD R discor CD RW disc pleaseselect 1509660level7 2 3 JOLIETor UDF asthe writing softwareformat Normal play may not be possibleif the cliscis recordedon anotherformat 3 ID3 v2 ID3 ...

Страница 28: ... FM StereoSeparation CD Frequency Response CD S N Ratio CD Channei Separation 1 7 8 m m x 5 0 m m x 1 7 3 m m 12voltsDC negativeground 100wattsmaximum 25wattsx 4channels compatiblewith 4 8 ohm speakers AM 522 1 620 KHz 9 KHz step FM 87 5 108 0 MHz 50KHz step AM 15pV FM 1 5 pV 25dB 20 20 000H2 60dB 55dB ...
