ENG - 25
7). Delete Files
Press and hold M button to enter the menu, then press - or + to select “Folder” and then
press and M button to confirm. Select the file you want to delete by - or + and press M
button to confirm. The LCD displays
. Press - or + button to select “delete?” and press
M button, the LCD displays
at this time. Press - or + button to select “yes”, and press
M to delete the current file. Press
button to return to the previous menu.
(Note: it will return to the previous menu if there is no operation on it.
8) Backlight Time
Under play or pause status, press and hold M button to enter the menu, press - or + button
to select “settings” and press M button to confirm. Then select “Backlight” by pressing M
button. Then press - or + button to select time (off, 10sec, 20sec, and always on). Finally
press M confirm and return. (Note: it will return to the previous menu if there is no operation
off it.)
9) Backlight selection
Under play or pause status, press and hold M button to enter the menu, press - or + button
to select “settings” and press M button to confirm. Then select “Backlight” by pressing M
button. Then press - or + button to select color. Finally press M confirm and return. (Note:
it will return to the previous menu if there is no operation on it.)
10) Auto power off
Press and hold M key to enter the menu, select “Settings” by - or + button, and press M
button to confirm. Then choose “power set”, press M button to enter the auto power off set
ting mode. Select the auto off time (Disable, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min) by - or + button
and finally press M button to confirm your choice and return to previous menu. (Note: it will
return to the previous menu if there is no operation on it.) Thus, no matter under what ope
ration, the player will power off automatically according to the power set.
11) Check the capacity of memory
Press and hold “M” key first and then press - or + button to select “About” option, press “M”
key once again, the LCD will display “Total” and “Free”. Select “Preview” and press M but-
ton, the LCD displays the firmware version.
12) Contrast
Press and hold M button to enter the menu, press - or + button to select “settings” and press
M button to confirm. Then select Contrast” by pressing M button. Then press - or + button
to adjust the contrast and press M button to confirm. Press
button to return to the previ -
ous menu. Finally press M confirm and return. (Note: it will return to the previous menu if
there is no operation on it.)
13) Language
Press and hold M button to enter the menu, press - or + button to select “settings” and press
M button to confirm. Then select “language” by pressing M button. Then press - or + button
to select the language you want. Finally press M to confirm. Press
button to return
to the previous menu. (Note: it will return to the previous menu if there is no operation on it.)