1- 21
Your Hyundai is equipped with a Supplemental
Restraint (Airbag) System. The indications of
the system's presence are the letters "SRS AIR
BAG" embossed on the airbag pad cover in the
steering wheel and the passenger's side front
panel pad above the glove box.
Driver's Airbag
o If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-
If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-
If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-
If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-
If the pre-tensioner seat belt is not work-
ing properly, this warning light will illu-
ing properly, this warning light will illu-
ing properly, this warning light will illu-
ing properly, this warning light will illu-
ing properly, this warning light will illu-
minate even if there is no malfunction of
minate even if there is no malfunction of
minate even if there is no malfunction of
minate even if there is no malfunction of
minate even if there is no malfunction of
the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag
the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag
the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag
the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag
the SRS airbag system. If the SRS airbag
warning light does not illuminate when
warning light does not illuminate when
warning light does not illuminate when
warning light does not illuminate when
warning light does not illuminate when
the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it
the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it
the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it
the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it
the ignition key is turned to "ON", or if it
remains illuminated after blinking for
remains illuminated after blinking for
remains illuminated after blinking for
remains illuminated after blinking for
remains illuminated after blinking for
approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi-
approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi-
approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi-
approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi-
approximately 6 seconds, or if it illumi-
nates while the vehicle is being driven,
nates while the vehicle is being driven,
nates while the vehicle is being driven,
nates while the vehicle is being driven,
nates while the vehicle is being driven,
please have an authorized Hyundai dealer
please have an authorized Hyundai dealer
please have an authorized Hyundai dealer
please have an authorized Hyundai dealer
please have an authorized Hyundai dealer
inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or
inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or
inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or
inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or
inspect the pre-tensioner seat belt or
SRS airbag system as soon as possible.
SRS airbag system as soon as possible.
SRS airbag system as soon as possible.
SRS airbag system as soon as possible.
SRS airbag system as soon as possible.
o Pre-tensioners are designed to operate
Pre-tensioners are designed to operate
Pre-tensioners are designed to operate
Pre-tensioners are designed to operate
Pre-tensioners are designed to operate
only one time. After activation, pre-
only one time. After activation, pre-
only one time. After activation, pre-
only one time. After activation, pre-
only one time. After activation, pre-
tensioner seat belts must be replaced.
tensioner seat belts must be replaced.
tensioner seat belts must be replaced.
tensioner seat belts must be replaced.
tensioner seat belts must be replaced.
All seat belts, of any type, should always
All seat belts, of any type, should always
All seat belts, of any type, should always
All seat belts, of any type, should always
All seat belts, of any type, should always
be replaced after they have been worn
be replaced after they have been worn
be replaced after they have been worn
be replaced after they have been worn
be replaced after they have been worn
during a collision.
during a collision.
during a collision.
during a collision.
during a collision.
o The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly
The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly
The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly
The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly
The pre-tensioner seat belt assembly
mechanisms become hot during activa-
mechanisms become hot during activa-
mechanisms become hot during activa-
mechanisms become hot during activa-
mechanisms become hot during activa-
tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat
tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat
tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat
tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat
tion. Do not touch the pre-tensioner seat
belt assemblies for several minutes after
belt assemblies for several minutes after
belt assemblies for several minutes after
belt assemblies for several minutes after
belt assemblies for several minutes after
they have been activated.
they have been activated.
they have been activated.
they have been activated.
they have been activated.
o Do not attempt to inspect or replace the
Do not attempt to inspect or replace the
Do not attempt to inspect or replace the
Do not attempt to inspect or replace the
Do not attempt to inspect or replace the
pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must
pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must
pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must
pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must
pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must
be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer.
o Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt
Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt
Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt
Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt
Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt
o Do not attempt to service or repair the
Do not attempt to service or repair the
Do not attempt to service or repair the
Do not attempt to service or repair the
Do not attempt to service or repair the
pre-tensioner seat belt system in any
pre-tensioner seat belt system in any
pre-tensioner seat belt system in any
pre-tensioner seat belt system in any
pre-tensioner seat belt system in any
o Improper handling of the pre-tensioner
Improper handling of the pre-tensioner
Improper handling of the pre-tensioner
Improper handling of the pre-tensioner
Improper handling of the pre-tensioner
seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed
seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed
seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed
seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed
seat belt assemblies, and failure to heed
the warnings to not strike, modify, in-
the warnings to not strike, modify, in-
the warnings to not strike, modify, in-
the warnings to not strike, modify, in-
the warnings to not strike, modify, in-
spect, replace, service or repair the pre-
spect, replace, service or repair the pre-
spect, replace, service or repair the pre-
spect, replace, service or repair the pre-
spect, replace, service or repair the pre-
tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead
tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead
tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead
tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead
tensioner seat belt assemblies may lead
to improper operation or inadvertent ac-
to improper operation or inadvertent ac-
to improper operation or inadvertent ac-
to improper operation or inadvertent ac-
to improper operation or inadvertent ac-
tivation and serious injury.
tivation and serious injury.
tivation and serious injury.
tivation and serious injury.
tivation and serious injury.
o Always wear the seat belts when driving
Always wear the seat belts when driving
Always wear the seat belts when driving
Always wear the seat belts when driving
Always wear the seat belts when driving
or riding in a motor vehicle.
or riding in a motor vehicle.
or riding in a motor vehicle.
or riding in a motor vehicle.
or riding in a motor vehicle.
The Hyundai SRS consists of airbags installed
under the pad covers in the center of the
steering wheel and the passenger's side front
panel above the glove box. The purpose of the
SRS is to provide the vehicle's driver and the
front passenger with additional protection when
used together with the seat belt, in case of a
frontal impact.
Be sure to read information about the SRS
Be sure to read information about the SRS
Be sure to read information about the SRS
Be sure to read information about the SRS
Be sure to read information about the SRS
on the labels provided on the backside of
on the labels provided on the backside of
on the labels provided on the backside of
on the labels provided on the backside of
on the labels provided on the backside of
the sun visor and in the glove box.
the sun visor and in the glove box.
the sun visor and in the glove box.
the sun visor and in the glove box.
the sun visor and in the glove box.
o As its name implies, the SRS is designed
As its name implies, the SRS is designed
As its name implies, the SRS is designed
As its name implies, the SRS is designed
As its name implies, the SRS is designed
to work with, and be supplemental to, the
to work with, and be supplemental to, the
to work with, and be supplemental to, the
to work with, and be supplemental to, the
to work with, and be supplemental to, the
driver's and the passenger's three point
driver's and the passenger's three point
driver's and the passenger's three point
driver's and the passenger's three point
driver's and the passenger's three point
seat belt systems and is not a substitute
seat belt systems and is not a substitute
seat belt systems and is not a substitute
seat belt systems and is not a substitute
seat belt systems and is not a substitute
for them. Therefore, your seat belts must
for them. Therefore, your seat belts must
for them. Therefore, your seat belts must
for them. Therefore, your seat belts must
for them. Therefore, your seat belts must
be worn at all times while the vehicle is in
be worn at all times while the vehicle is in
be worn at all times while the vehicle is in
be worn at all times while the vehicle is in
be worn at all times while the vehicle is in
motion. The airbags deploy only in cer-
motion. The airbags deploy only in cer-
motion. The airbags deploy only in cer-
motion. The airbags deploy only in cer-
motion. The airbags deploy only in cer-
tain frontal impact conditions severe
tain frontal impact conditions severe
tain frontal impact conditions severe
tain frontal impact conditions severe
tain frontal impact conditions severe
enough to cause significant injury to the
enough to cause significant injury to the
enough to cause significant injury to the
enough to cause significant injury to the
enough to cause significant injury to the
vehicle occupants.
vehicle occupants.
vehicle occupants.
vehicle occupants.
vehicle occupants.
o The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags
The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags
The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags
The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags
The SRS is designed to deploy the airbags
only when an impact is sufficiently se-
only when an impact is sufficiently se-
only when an impact is sufficiently se-
only when an impact is sufficiently se-
only when an impact is sufficiently se-
vere and when the impact angle is less
vere and when the impact angle is less
vere and when the impact angle is less
vere and when the impact angle is less
vere and when the impact angle is less
than 30° from the forward longitudinal
than 30° from the forward longitudinal
than 30° from the forward longitudinal
than 30° from the forward longitudinal
than 30° from the forward longitudinal
axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in
axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in
axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in
axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in
axis of the vehicle and will not deploy in
side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition-
side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition-
side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition-
side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition-
side, rear or rollover impacts. Addition-
ally, the airbags will only deploy once.
ally, the airbags will only deploy once.
ally, the airbags will only deploy once.
ally, the airbags will only deploy once.
ally, the airbags will only deploy once.
Thus, seat belts must be worn at all
Thus, seat belts must be worn at all
Thus, seat belts must be worn at all
Thus, seat belts must be worn at all
Thus, seat belts must be worn at all
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