Temporarily delete the selected channel from the scan list during scanning.
When scan pauses on an unwanted channel due to noise, press the Add/Del Scan key
(programmable) to temporarily delete the channel from the scan list. Then scan is
reactivated immediately.
Note: the temporary delete is not memorized once radio exits from the scan mode.
Revert Channel
Upon pressing the [PTT] during scanning, the radio will pause scanning and switch to the
Revert Channel to transmit. This feature is programmable by your dealer.
Off-Hook Scan
If the Off-Hook Scan feature is programmed by your dealer, radio scans no matter the
microphone is in the off or on hook condition. Otherwise, microphone must be on hook for
Busy Channel Lockout (BCL)
The feature can be enabled/disabled by your dealer, this feature is to prevent transmission
on a channel that is already in use. Press the [PTT] on a channel that is already in use,
transmission is inhibited and an alert tone is heard. Upon release the [PTT], the alert tone
ceases and radio returns to receive mode. Press the [PTT] to transmit while the channel is
BCL Override
If the BCL Override feature is enabled, you can override the BCL feature to transmit on a
busy channel. Press the [PTT], a BCL alarm will be heard, then repress the [PTT] within
0.5s to override the BCL feature and transmit on the busy channel.
Manual Dial
Press any key from the DTMF keypad of the microphone, while holding down the [PTT], to
transmit the DTMF frequency, and the DTMF tone will be heard from the local speaker.
Release the [PTT] to remain transmission for 2s (programmable by your dealer), press a
numeric key within the 2s to continue transmission.
Keypad Auto PTT
This feature is programmable by your dealer. If the feature is enabled, press numeric key
to transmit DTMF frequency without pressing the [PTT].