Channel Info
Under this menu, you can view some information of the current channel, including channel
alias, TX/RX frequency, channel spacing (analog only), TX/RX CTCSS/CDCSS (analog
only), color code (digital only) and etc.
To access this menu:
1. In the home screen, press the
Menu Navigation
knob to enter the main menu.
2. Rotate the knob to select the "Channel Info” option.
3. Press the knob again to view information of the current channel.
Then you may rotate the knob to scroll up/down. To exit, just press the knob.
To exit from the main menu, rotate the
Menu Navigation
knob to select the "Exit” option,
and then press the knob.
Alarm Information
The repeater can automatically detect its operation status in real time, such as PA
over-temperature, low forward power, high VSWR, high/low voltage and fan failure. When
any of the above occurs, the LCD will give you a prompt, and the Alarm Indicator will glow