HyQual Multi-probes User Manual v3, 08.07.2022
KISTERS Controlled, Template: Word-with-table-of-contents-Template-Company.docx, v1.1
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Set Time and Date
To calibrate Time and Date, open the Calibration menu, select “Set Time and Date” to see
the HyQual
current time and date. If you wish to change any of those values, just type the new value in the
appropriate box or click the box at the bottom of the screen. If you wish to synchronize the HyQual
time and date with that of your Display, click the “synchronize” box.
Sensor Warm Up
The HyQual probe knows the warm-up times required for all the sensors you have enabled. It figures
out exactly when to turn the various sensors on so that a frame of data can be taken exactly at the cor-
rect time. For instance, the DO sensor takes 20 seconds to warm up and the turbidity sensor takes 25
seconds to warm up. So, if you have only a DO sensor, the warm-up time will be 20 seconds. If you
have DO and turbidity sensors, the warm-up time will be 25 seconds.
Four Basic Deployment Methods
There are four basic deployment methods for The HyQual probe.
Manual Data Collection
Manual Collection is also known as profiling, surveying, spot measurement, site-to-site measurements,
etc., means you are present at the monitoring site and using a Display for observing measurements.
This allows you to make data-based decisions in the field in real-time at multiple monitoring sites in one
day. The Display can be a laptop, or almost any tablet or smart phone. You can record measurements
using the HyQual probe
’s Snapshot or Automatic Snapshot features. You might “snapshot” a series of
measurements in one or more lakes or streams during the day, and then download your data to your
desktop PC that evening. If your Display has email, you can email the data to anyone you wish, including
Uploading Snapshot and AutoSnap Data
If you are using a phone or tablet as your display, Snapshot and AutoSnap data are stored in your Dis-
play. If you wish to upload that data to a PC, simply follow the same procedure you would use to syn-
chronize your PC and phone or tablet to transfer pictures, contact lists, etc.
You can also email data files from your phone or tablet if they have Web access.
Unattended Logging
Unattended Logging means that you have set the HyQual probe into its Logging mode, deployed the
HyQual probe in the proper location in the water, and left the site. The HyQual probe can run for weeks
at a time with cable-supplied power or an optional HyQual Internal Lithium Battery Pack. You can, for
instance, set the instrument to take a set of readings every half-hour, anchor it in an estuary, and return
after two weeks to retrieve the instrument and download the data to a PC, laptop, tablet, or phone.
Log Start on Power Up
HyQual starts logging when the user activates logging (see 5.1), and then provides power.
When power is first provided, the red LED will blink five times to confirm that Logging is activated, and
the green LED will blink briefly to confirm that the HyQual probe is receiving adequate voltage to start