Manuel de montage des antennes Hautes performances Wi200-Wi700
HYPERCABLE sarl 74 Avenue Paul Sabatier ZA de la Coupe 11.100 Narbonne Tel : +33 (0) 4 68 70 91 75 - Fax : 04 68 70 91 76
Mail : [email protected] - N° SIRET : 384 007 894 00023 – Code TVA CEE: FR90384007894 -
Make coarse elevation adjustment (shown in Fig 5.3): loosen the bolts (No.5). Use ① &
④ thread holes, antenna can make elevation adjustment from +5° to +25°. Use ② & ③ thread
holes, antenna can make elevation adjustment from -5° to -25°. Tighten all the standard parts
after the adjustment is done.
6. Antenna Assembly Finishing
6.1 Tighten all the standard parts after antenna assembly are done, regard it to torque of the
standard parts is referred to the chapter 1.3.
6.2 Keep the antenna’s bottom draining-hole open. Keep the top one sealed (shown in Fig.6.1
and Fig.6.1.1).