3-2 Mesh Protocol Configuration
Mesh Protocol:
You can Enable or Disable Mesh Routing protocol here.
Mesh Ports:
Enable Mesh Protocol per interfaces. When the interfaced been checked, it has to
connect to the other port with same mesh protocol. Otherwise, the connection will be failed. But
the Ethernet port with Auto Detect can auto detect the protocol and get link automatically.
Mesh Network ID:
All mesh nodes in the same network must have the same ID.
Hello interval time (1~10s):
Time between Hello packets sent by the router on this interface. This
value should be same for all interfaces connected to common network. The default value is 2
Topology Control interval Time (1~20s):
Topology Control message interval time. Topology control
protocols are designed to exploit node density in the network to extend the network lifetime and
provide connectivity. The following criteria have been identified as the key concepts for designing
topology control protocols for wireless sensor networks.
Sensor nodes should be able to self-configure to accommodate changing network dynamics.
Selection of redundant nodes should be done based on distributed localized algorithms.
Topology control protocols must ensure minimum connectivity in the network, so that the
network is not partitioned.
Topology control protocols should take advantage of the high node density in large-scale
wireless sensor networks to reduce the energy dissipated in the network.
Maximum Hops (1~30):
Define the max repeating hops in the mesh network.
Acceptable RSSI (-50~-90dBm):
This RSSI threshold is an important reference parameter to decide
to hold the link between the Mesh nodes or change to other better optional path.
Probe interval time:
Configuring the Time Interval between Probes.