© Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc
Exhaust Fan
The Aktiv has an exhaust fan in the bathroom. Turn the handle to open and close the vent and the fan will turn on automatically as you open the vent (if your
batteries are on).
TV and DVD Player
The tv is located directly above the rear passenger seats. The tv uses 110VAC current, so the inverter or
shore power must be used. It is supplied with a remote control. The tv is mounted on a bracket which can
swivel and change positions. To move the tv on its bracket, lift the knob at the back of the tv and move the tv
into the desired position. The tv may be removed and stores in the cupboard/storage space ahead of the
water closet when it is not in use. The tv should be secured in place with straps.
The tv can also be operated from the connections on the galley and outside of your Aktiv. The connections
are available at the rear of the passenger side.
The dvd player is in the dash of the cabin, as part of the radio head unit.
Controlling the Rear Speakers
The rears speakers are controlled by the dvd player, which is installed in the dash.
Hot Water
The Aktiv is equipped with a 10 gallon water heater. The heater requires both 12VDC and propane or 110VAC for proper operation. The controls are located
next to the monitor panel above the sliding door. Refer to
the heater’s owner's manual for maintenance and operation.
The refrigerator is a 12VDC compressor model which that runs on DC (battery) power, AC (shore/generator)
power. It will switch automatically between the modes. For specific details of operation please refer to the
refrigerator owner's manual.
The microwave is a standard microwave oven. It operates much the same as the microwave at your house. It is
probably lower powered, so cooking may take a bit longer. You must have 120VAC power available to use the
microwave. See ‘Electrical System’ section of this manual for details.