set the serial port settings to 115200 bps (at the very top of
, the speed for
your COM port, not the settings of the modem)
click "Firmware update". A new dialog opens (see Figure 2).
switch on power to the modem (or plug it back in).
Now, an entry should appear under "Devices". On the right-hand side are a few options,
you can ignore most of them.
for RS232 operation:
make sure that under "Firmware", the entry "LUMA500ER - RS232
<…>" is selected
for RS485 operation:
make sure that under "Firmware", the entry "LUMA500ER – RS485
<…>" is selected
click "write Flash"
wait until the progress bar reaches 100%. If it doesn't go through, click "Write Flash"
again until it does complete.
click "Start application". You should now be able to connect to the modem again as
described above. Verify that the modem settings are still correct - they should carry
across firmware updates in general, but bigger updates may invalidate the settings and
revert to factory defaults.