7. If necessary to replace cutters,
remove capscrew (36), washer
(13), and radial cutter (4)
from shaft.
Radial cutter (4) and impeller
(3) are screwed onto shaft. The
thread is right-hand. Tap radial
cutter (4) with plastic hammer
if necessary to loosen. Axial
cutter (5) lifts off impeller (3)
and is held from rotating by
pin (20). Unscrew impeller (3)
from shaft in the same manner
as radial cutter (4), and remove
washer (52).
8. Clean all parts thoroughly
before proceeding with the
assembly. Make sure spring
pin (20) is inserted into
impeller (3). Replace case (2)
but do not replace grinder ring
(6) at this point.
9. Loosen hex head capscrews
turn. Replace shims
(22) and cutter ring (6) and
cutter retainer ring (27). Now
repeat steps 4 thru 11 under
Axial Cutter Adjustment. It
may be necessary to loosen
hex head capscrews (35) in
pump case (2) and tap with
a hammer to get proper
clearance on O.D. of radial
cutter (4).
10.Plug pump into power and
operate for a few seconds
only to be sure parts are
not rubbing.
Replacing Seals:
1. Remove pipe plug (61) from
top of motor and from seal
chamber and drain out all oil.
The lower pipe plug drains the
seal housing while the other
drains the motor housing.
Check for water in the oil
drained from motor chamber.
If there is some water in this
oil, the pump must be
completely dismantled and the
stator dried out or replaced if
the resistance to ground is less
than 500,000 ohms after
drying. A hypot check of 1500
volts for 230 volt motors and
2000 volts for 460 volt motors
should be performed.
2. Remove cutters, impeller
and pump parts as described
above under “Replacing
Grinder Parts.”
3. Remove socket head capscrew
(37) in seal plate (10) and
screw two of the screws into
the tapped back-off holes to
force seal plate (10) from seal
housing (7). Pulling this plate
(10) off will also force lower
seal (18) from shaft. Remove
lower seal (18) from seal
plate (10).
4. Remove snap ring (17) and
pull upper seal (16) from shaft.
It may be necessary to use
packing hooks to remove seal.
Use a screwdriver to break
the upper stationary ceramic
seal ring so that it can be
removed easily.
CAUTION: Do not use any old
seal parts. Replace all parts
with new pieces. Mixing old
parts with new parts will cause
immediate seal failure.
5. When cleaning all parts before
replacement, check to be sure
sleeve bearing or shaft is not
worn. Be sure all O-rings are in
excellent condition without
cuts or nicks, and replace them
if not in excellent condition.
Use O-ring lube to prevent
cutting at assembly.
6. After all parts are replaced and
before final assembly of
impeller and cutters (step 8 of
“Replacing Grinder Parts”)
refill seal chamber and motor
chamber with oil. Lay pump
on side to fill seal chamber.
Do not fill completely; allow
inch below fill plug so
that there will be an air space
for expansion.
Set pump
upright, and replace the upper
drain plug (47) in the side
before filling motor chamber.
Again fill so that oil level is
just over the top of winding to
allow air space for expansion.
7. Use only Hydromatic
submersible oil in motor
chamber and seal chamber. In
an emergency, a high grade
transformer oil can be used.
Replacing Motor Stator:
1. If necessary to replace stator,
completely dismantle pump as
described above.
2. Remove bearing housing (9)
and shaft rotor assembly (15).
When cap and rotor are
removed, motor leads can be
disconnected through the
bearing cap bore. The leads
are connected with twist-on
wire nuts.
Do not tape leads
when replacing stator as oil
will deteriorate the tape and
cause motor failure. Use only
twist on wire nuts.
3. If cord leads are burned,
it may be necessary to
replace power cord and cord
grip assembly.
4. Remove motor housing bolts
(35) and lift off housing (8).
5. Remove stator screws (39) and
set housing (8) on hardwood
blocks. Bump housing (8) up
and down on hardwood block
to loosen stator which should
drop out.