Handheld EC/TDS Meters:
A very accurate way to check the performance of your water filtration
system. Regularly checking the EC/TDS can help detect any problems with early membrane
exhaustion. Checking the water after the DI cartridge will give you added peace of mind that your
reef/salt water system is receiving the quality of water you need.
RO Water Storage Tanks:
These tanks are used by many of our customers to store water or to save
up sufficient water to begin a new tank. They can be equipped with automatic shutoff valves to
reduce waste water.
Membrane Flush Kits:
Flush kits are used to extend the membrane life of the filter.
Membrane Add-on Kit:
Installing an additional membrane to your existing system will increase your
units output!
Storage Tank(s):
Many times storage of water is needed or just desired. 40 gallon or larger food
grade tanks are available to automatically top off. We can design tanks to your needs!