E) Why I need HYDR8?
1. HYDR8 can measure your skin profile score to evaluate the effectiveness of your skin care program against
different working environments, seasonal changes, humidity, and even air-conditioned room. These are
factors that can affect your skin in different ways.
2. To assess the real performance of skin care products. HYDR8 is a handy measurement tool for cosmetic
3. To compare the different skin care products and to know which is the most suitable for you. This could let
you choose the right skin care products and save you more time and money.
4. After a spa treatment, you can now know the result of your skins improvement. HYDR8 is a useful tool for
both the skin consultant and for the user.
5. HYDR8 is a good reference for those who want better skin.
F) To know your skin:
Skin type, diet, health condition, lifestyle, seasonal changes, and environment will affect your skin. A quantifiable
skin analysis can enhance the effect of your skins health, by assisting you to better know your skin type. Here, the
valuable information is provided with our portable skin scanner.
If we classify the skin types with Water, Oil, and Dead Skin Cells content there are three types of skin: Dry, Oily, and
Combination skin.
How to Care
: Ask your skin care provider for assistance on the right skin program for your skin.
The symptoms most associated with dry skin include: scaling, itching, and cracks in the skin. This can feel tight and
itchy after washing. Sometimes it can be flaky with little patches of dandruff. The skin loses moisture and may crack
and peel, or become irritated and inflamed. Bathing too frequently, especially with harsh soaps, may contribute to
dry skin. Eczema may cause dry skin too.
Increasing your skins body moisture:
Use bath oils and moisturizers daily. Apply just after a bath or shower, when your skin is still damp.
Avoid products with alcohol.
Use a humidifier if the air is dry.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Have a balanced diet and exercise.
Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous oil secreting glands overproduce more oil than is needed for proper lubrication
of the body's skin. This excess oil can clog pores and also cause skin blemishes. Oily skin is probably mainly a
factor of heredity, but it is known to be affected by factors such as diet, hormone levels, and lifestyle. Humidity and
hot weather can also stimulate the sebaceous glands into producing more oil than normal. Because human skin
tends to become dryer with age, and because of the hormonal changes of adolescents, oily skin is common in
teenagers, but it can occur at any age. Oily skin is prone to "breakouts" well past adolescence and has a chronically
shiny appearance, an oily or greasy feeling, as well as enlarged pores.
Maintaining oily skin:
Wash area with soap (i.e. facial soap for the face)
Blot oily areas occasionally with clean oil blotting sheets
Avoid eating greasy and fatty foods. Maintain a healthy diet.
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