3.6 The Baffle should now be hung on the “hanger”. It is retained by two over-
centre clips, one on each side.
3.7 Two retainers are supplied with the Baffle, and these must be fitted to the
sides of the fan casing. Rivets are supplied.
3.8 These retainers must be fixed so the retaining clips, when closed, are in
tension, so retaining the Baffle securely against the fan casing.
3.9 With the Baffle now securely fixed the fan can now be operated either
manually or automatically, if controls are fitted.
4. Maintenance
4.1 The Light Baffle should be regularly inspected for the security of fixings
every time maintenance is carried out on the fans.
4.2 The complete Unit should be removed and inspected for dust and dirt
build-up between the black plastic baffle blades.
4.3 These must be kept clear, as any build up of dust will reduce the free
area of the air-flow and increase the resistance to the air-flow, decreasing
the efficiency and performance of the fan.
4.4 Any dust should be removed by either high pressure air or high pressure
water being blown between each blade.
4.5 The casing has drain holes in the bottom, so the water will drain away.
4.6 Allow to dry, before refitting the Light Baffle Unit to the fan, making sure it
is securely retained.