BeWa FCU1310 3371346g en-us lq
145 / 148
Abbreviation for "FluidControl Unit"
General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions
are available at our home page
www.hydac.com -> General Terms
and Conditions.
High-pressure adapter
Adapter required for measurement
with the FCU for pressures of 15 -
345 bar.
Load dump
Load dump is the switching off of
network load for the purpose of load
control in the power system. Given
that this generally represents an un-
planned event, the switch-off is trig-
gered by automatic devices, e.g.
network protection when certain
preset measured values are
reached, and carried out in auto-
matic sequences by the opening of
circuit breakers in transformer sta-
tions. This measure will lead to a
power failure for the parts of the
network affected by the load dump
and the consumers connected to
Load dump
Load Dump is the term used to de-
scribe the occurrence of a voltage
peak on a motor vehicle generator
after the shedding of a load.
Viscosity range
Is the range in which the viscosity of
a pressurized fluid meets the re-
quirements that have been set.