Fluid Sampling Set - FES
HYDAC Filtertechnik GmbH
Page 12
Bewa FES 3160266a en.doc
The FluidAnalysis Set may only be used with mineral oils.
Contact us prior to using with other operating fluids.
Static sampling
This procedure treats the sampling from the reservoir of a system which is not
equipped with sampling valves. This procedures should only be applied in situations
where no other possibility of sampling (e.g. through the use of nipples) exists. Cut
the accompanying plastic hose that is 2 m in length into two parts with the ratio of
0.5 m /
1.5 m.
1. Wipe off the outer surface of the reservoir or container near the sampling
point and clean the surface with filtered solvent
2. Use the smaller piece of transparent hose (
0.5 m) to connect the
aluminium adapter with the manual vacuum pump.
3. Also connect the longer piece of transparent hose with the aluminium
4. Open the reservoir by removing the reservoir sealing lock or the tank
ventilation filter.
5. Place the laboratory bottle for blank sampling up against the aluminium
6. Guide the longer transparent hose of the manual vacuum pump into the fluid
contained in the reservoir up to approximately half the filling height. The
transparent hose can also be fastened in place to the telescope pen, which
will make handling easier. Make sure during the immersion process that the
hose does not come into contact with the side walls or the bottom of the
7. Actuate the manual vacuum pump and fill the laboratory bottle for "blank
sampling". This is important in order to make sure the hoses, aluminium
adapter and manual vacuum pump are flushed.
8. Replace the bottle with the "blank sample" with one of the two clean
laboratory bottles provided.
9. Now actuate the manual vacuum pump and fill the bottle until the 250 ml
level is reached.
10. Now close the sample bottle carefully and label it as described under
Dynamic sampling