1 | General
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BeWa OFU 3120755d en-us lq
Required tools
1.8 Exclusion of liability/warranty
For the warranty provided by us, please refer to the Terms of
Delivery. They are made available to you at the conclusion of
the contract at the latest. You will also find these under
This manual was prepared to the best of our knowledge. Nev-
ertheless and despite the greatest care, it cannot be excluded
that mistakes could have crept in. Therefore, please under-
stand that, in the absence of any provisions to the contrary
hereinafter, our warranty and liability – for any legal reasons
whatsoever – are excluded in respect of the information in this
manual. In particular, we shall not be liable for lost profit or
other financial loss.
This exclusion of liability does not apply in cases of intent and
gross negligence. Moreover, it does not apply to defects which
have been deceitfully concealed or whose absence has been
guaranteed, nor in cases of culpable harm to life, physical in-
jury and damage to health. If we negligently breach any mate-
rial contractual obligation, our liability shall be limited to fore-
seeable damage. Claims due to the Product Liability shall re-
main unaffected.
1.9 Notes on copyright
All copyrights for this manual lies with the manufacturer. No
part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or pro-
cessed, duplicated or distributed using electronic systems with-
out the written consent of the manufacturer. Any infringements
of the above shall be liable to damage compensation.