HyCO Mirage Panel COnVeCTOr HeaTer
1. inTrOduCTiOn
Thank you for purchasing the Mirage Panel Convector Heater from Hyco Manufacturing ltd.
The compact panel heaters come in two versions – standard and timer (complete with a 24hr
mechanical timer). Please read and understand these instructions before commencing installation, and
leave them with the user when installation is complete.
do not proceed with installation or operation if there is sign of any damage to the product.
if you have any queries regarding operation or installation please contact our technical department on
01977 517555.
2. iMPOrTanT SaFeTy POinTS
The elecTrical insTallaTion musT be carried ouT by a
qualified elecTrician in accordance wiTh The currenT
ediTion of The i.ee wiring regulaTions.
eleCTriCal COnneCTiOn MuST be Made TO THe Fixed wiring OF THe PrOPerTy
by MeanS OF a COnneCTiOn bOx. THe inSTallaTiOn MuST be FiTTed wiTH a
dOuble POle iSOlaTing SwiTCH, wiTH a break COnTaCT diSTanCe OF aT
leaST 3MM.
Only COnneCT THe HeaTer TO a Single PHaSe SuPPly wiTH a MainS VOlTage aS
SPeCiFied On THe raTing PlaTe.
THe HeaTer MuST nOT be lOCaTed iMMediaTely belOw a SOCkeT OuTleT.
iF THe COrd OF THiS aPPlianCe iS daMaged, diSCOnTinue uSe OF THiS PrOduCT
and COnTaCT THe ManuFaCTurer FOr FurTHer inSTruCTiOnS.
dO nOT Carry THe aPPlianCe by HOlding THe POwer COrd.
alwayS SwiTCH OFF THe aPPlianCe wHen nOT in uSe.
dO nOT leT THe POwer COrd Hang OVer THe aPPlianCe.
dO nOT leT aniMalS Or CHildren TOuCH Or Play wiTH THe Panel HeaTer.
PleaSe nOTe THaT THe HOT air OuTleT geTS Very HOT during OPeraTiOn.
THe Mirage iS nOT SuiTable FOr OuTdOOr uSe.
dO nOT COVer THe HeaTer aS THiS May CauSe OVerHeaTing.
3. inSTallaTiOn
The installation, electrical connection and first operation of this appliance should be carried out by a
qualified installer.
• The Mirage Panel Heater is to be wall mounted in the upright position using the bracket supplied.
• The bracket should be mounted at the required height using appropriate fixings (see fig 1).
• On the back side of the heater there are 4 slots, these should be hooked onto the wall bracket and
pushed down (see fig 2 and fig 3).
• The bracket can then be secured by means of the locking screw provided.