Beta Match Assembly
Feedpoint Assembly
Select the two (2) beta match tubes (3/4" x
70"), two (2) beta support clamps, two (2) beta
support insulators, two (2) beta top insulators,
and associated hardware and clamps, as shown
in Figure 11 and Details A and B. Assemble the
beta match tubes and shorting clamp assembly
as shown in Figure 11 and Details A and B.
The shorting clamp should be flush with the
ends of the beta match tubes. The opposite
ends of the beta tubes should be approximately
21/2 inches from the center of the FDE
bracket. The final dimension will depend on
the attachment of the beta tubes and the
phasing tubes through the beta feed jumper
Select the beta feed jumper straps, feed straps
and associated hardware as shown in Figure
11. Assemble the beta feed jumper straps and
feed straps to the phasing tubes with two (2)
1/4" - 20 x 3/4" bolts, lockwashers and square
nuts (Item Nos. 34,39 & 37). See Figure 11 and
Details A. Tighten these snugly. Slide the beta
tube assembly on the boom until the beta feed
jumper straps can be attached. Attach the
jumper straps to the beta tubes with 1/4" - 20 x
3/4" bolts, lockwashers and square nuts and
tighten all bolts to hold the beta tubes in place.