Attachment of Driven Element Support
The Explorer 14, plus 7 or 10 MHz,
makes a fairly large antenna and requires
some consideration as to how you will
safely get it to the top of your tower.
Allow plenty of room between any power
lines and your new antenna. Installation
of this product near power lines is
dangerous! Also check the rating of your
tower and rotor against the new wind
loading specifications of your modified
Explorer 14.
Due to the element tip loading produced by
the large 20 meter traps, we recommend that
you add vertical support ropes to the central
driven element. The ropes should be tied to
the outer ends of the 15 meter traps and tied to
the support bracket attached to the mast. The
support bracket should be at least 5 feet above
the antenna boom. Horizontal support ropes
are not required due to the construction of the
PARASLEVVE driven element. See Figure 6.