It is important that all of the jacks are fully retracted before
checking the hydraulic oil level. To check the oil supply, remove
the breather cap from the top of the hydraulic oil reservoir.
The oil level should be approximately one inch below the top of
the reservoir when adequately filled.
On the 9,000 lb. jacks and the 16,000 lb. jacks there are roller as-
semblies that need to rotate freely. (See above FIGURE) These
rollers should be cleaned with a penetrating fluid, such as WD-40,
and lubricated with a light oil as part of your regular maintenance
In general, to insure the smooth operation of the leveling system,
it is a good idea to occasionally check the individual leveling
jacks to prevent problems. This is especially true under the unusual
conditions stated in the following:
If driving conditions are unusually muddy, the jacks may become
caked or clogged with mud. This condition may hamper the
proper operation of the leveling system. This problem may be
prevented or remedied by cleaning off each leveling jack if they
become excessively muddy.
In wet or icy weather leveling jacks may become encrusted with
ice. This may cause the leveling system to function improperly.
To eliminate this problem, periodically check the leveling jacks
and break loose any ice which may be causing improper operation.
Do not move the vehicle while the leveling jacks are still in
contact with the ground. However, if this should accidentally
happen, the leveling system was designed to protect itself
from damage in most cases. Place the system in the
STORE mode and then visually check to see if the leveling
jacks have returned to the STORE/TRAVEL POSITION.
All major components of the system can be replaced
with rebuilt parts or can be sent to HWH CORPORATION to
be rebuilt, when the system is out of warranty.
terminals and battery posts and connections should be kept
Weak batteries can cause erratic operation. Battery cable
The batteries should be in good condition and fully charged.
should be clean, tight, free from corrosion and protected from
clean. All electrical connections, especially ground connections,
9,000 lb. JACK
16,000 lb. JACK
emergency Dexron automatic transmission fluid can be used.
Dexron automatic transmission fluid contains red dye
and can cause staining should a leak occur. DO NOT USE
brake fluid or hydraulic jack fluid. Use of these can damage
HWH Specialty Hydraulic Oil is recommended. In an