The Hunter SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight
charges in the sun to provide hours of LED-
based task or area lighting.
its unique design provides red or white light
in multiple hands-free lighting angles. it
clips to belts, backpacks, and auto visors, or
stands in a window for charging. Swivel the
outside housing to set the stand position or
light color.
SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight is designed
with built-in rechargeable batteries that
never need replacing and LEDs that provide
100,000 hours of light. Place SwiveLED™
Solar Flashlight in direct sunlight and it
automatically charges.
SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight's two light
functions provide steady or strobe lighting
in both red and white light. Perfect for auto
emergencies or for use around the house.
• Two Super Brite LEDs provide 100,000
hours of light.
• Storage clip attaches to belts and auto
visors or functions as charge stand.
• Built-in rechargeable battery never
needs replacing.
• Built-in solar panel automatically charges
battery when exposed to sun.
• Battery provides up to 8 hours of light on
a full charge.
• Functionality includes On / Strobe / Off
Charging SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight
• remove the protective plastic from the
solar panel before use.
• Before first use, fully charge SwiveLED™
Solar Flashlight's battery.
• To charge, place SwiveLED™ Solar
Flashlight in a south-facing location that
receives ample sunlight throughout
the day. Ensure the solar panel is facing
the sun. if SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight is
behind a window, charge time depends
on whether the window is double
paned, UV coated, or otherwise reduces
• To charge in
an automobile,
ensure the
automobile is
in a location
that receives
ample sunlight
the day. Clip
Solar Flashlight with the solar panel
exposed, to a visor. Turn the visor to the
windshield with the solar panel facing
outside. SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight
automatically begins charging.
• if SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight Solar
Flashlight is left on and the battery
drains completely, it will automatically
turn off. Simply set SwiveLED™ Solar
Flashlight in direct sunlight to recharge.
When the battery has received enough
charge to power, SwiveLED™ Solar
Flashlight can be turned back on. A full
charge may require up to 16 hours in
direct sunlight.
Power: On /
Strobe / Off
SwiveLED™ Solar Flashlight
43116-01 r052107
Solar Panel