© Hunter Douglas 10-2019
© Hunter Douglas 10-2019
ZIP 135
Installation - Maintenance
ZIP 135
Installation - Maintenance
Finish the installation by assembling the co-
ver profi les on both sides.
Steer in the side of the cover profi les that
are facing the window, make sure the plastic
profi le is not being stuck between the
aluminium profi les, and that both alu.profi -
les and the plastic profi les are aligned at the
bottom end cap.
Connect the motor to the electricity.
Run the Zip-screen down + up and check that
it operates smoothly.
If needed - program the end positions
according to relevant instructions from the
motor fabricator.
Assemble the plastic guides for the fabric by
sliding them onto the “zippers” on the sides
of the fabric/front profi le. See below.
Make sure the plastic profi les are fi tted
correctly in the aluminium profi les. The inner
rubber part of the profi le must be on the
inside of the aluminium groove.
Assembling the Zip guides
Assembling the cover profi les
Cut upper end on
plastic profile
When the cover profi les are in place – gently
screw* the profi les onto the guide profi les
using the pre-fabricated holes.
*Use a screwdriver – do not overtighten.