Hummingbird Communications Matrix 67 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 64


Trackpoint Interval

Trackpoint Interval 

allows you to select the time period between

trackpoints.  The current track can only contain up to 2000 trackpoints, so longer time periods cause
the track to extend back further in time, but will be less detailed. 


Trackpoint Interval works in conjunction with Track Min Distance.  Both conditions must be met

before a trackpoint is added to the current track.

To change the Trackpoint Interval setting:

1.  Highlight Trackpoint Interval on the Navigation main menu.

2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Trackpoint Interval

setting. (1 second, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds, Default =
15 seconds) 


During slow travel or drift, setting both Trackpoint Interval and Track Min Distance to small values

will allow you to increase the track resolution. 

Track Min Distance  


Track Min Distance

allows you to set a minimum distance of travel before a trackpoint is added 

to the track.


Track Min Distance works in conjunction with Trackpoint Interval.  Both conditions must be met

before a trackpoint is added to the current track.

To change the Track Minimum Distance setting:

1.  Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode, then highlight Track Min Distance on the

Navigation main menu.

2. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Track Min Distance

setting. (1 to 300 feet or 1 to 100 meters 

[International Units Only]

, Default = 16 ft, 5 m)


During slow travel or drift, setting both Trackpoint Interval and Track Min Distance to small values

will allow you to increase the track resolution.

Содержание Matrix 67

Страница 1: ...531296 1_A Matrix 67 GPS Trackplotter Operations Manual Matrix 67 GPS Trackplotter Operations Manual www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 2: ...gational aid to prevent collision grounding boat damage or personal injury When the boat is moving water depth may change too quickly to allow time for you to react Always operate the boat at very slow speeds if you suspect shallow water or submergedobjects WARNING Disassembly and repair of this electronic unit should only be performed by authorized service personnel Any modification of the serial...

Страница 3: ...onarView 12 BigDigitsView 12 SideBeamView 13 WideSideView 14 Bird sEyeView 15 ChartView 16 ComboView 17 ViewOrientation 17 ViewingCartography 17 IntroductiontoNavigation 19 Waypoints RoutesandTracks 19 Save EditorDeleteaWaypoint 20 NavigatetoaWaypointorPosition 21 AddaWaypointTargetorTrollingGrid 22 Save EditorDeleteaRoute 23 SaveorClearaCurrentTrack 24 Edit DeleteorHideSavedTracks 24 KeyFunctions...

Страница 4: ...oomViewOnly 39 NavigationX Press Menu NavigationViewsOnly 40 SaveCurrentTrack 40 ClearCurrentTrack 40 SaveCurrentRoute OnlyWhenNavigating 41 SkipNextWaypoint OnlyWhenNavigating 41 CancelNavigation OnlyWhenNavigating 41 RemoveTarget OnlyIfTargetisActive 42 RemoveGrid OnlyIfGridisActive 42 SonarWindow ComboViewOnly 42 SonarMenuTab 43 BeamSelect 44 FishID TM 45 FishSensitivity 46 RealTimeSonar RTS Wi...

Страница 5: ...vanced 58 MapDatum Advanced 59 SetSimulationPosition Advanced 59 SetMapOffset Advanced 59 ClearMapOffset Advanced 60 DeleteAllNavData Advanced 60 AlarmsMenuTab 61 DepthAlarm 62 FishIDAlarm 62 LowBatteryAlarm 63 OffCourseAlarm 63 ArrivalAlarm 64 DriftAlarm 64 AlarmTone 64 SetupMenuTab 65 Units Depth 66 Units Temp InternationalOnly 66 Units Distance 66 Units Speed 67 UserMode 67 Language Internation...

Страница 6: ... Notes 81 ContactHumminbird 82 NOTE Entries in this Table of Contents which list International Only are only available on products sold outside of the US and Canada by our authorized International Distributors To obtain a list of authorizedInternationalDistributors pleasevisitourwebsiteatwww humminbird comorcontactour CustomerResourceCenterat1 334 687 0503tolocatethedistributornearestyou NOTE Entr...

Страница 7: ...DualBeam PLUSTM sonar returns can be blended together viewed separately or compared side by side DualBeamPLUSTM isidealforawiderangeofconditions from shallowtoverydeepwaterinbothfreshandsaltwater Depthcapabilityis affected by such factors as boat speed wave action bottom hardness waterconditionsandtransducerinstallation QuadraBeam Sonar with Optional Purchase QuadraBeamTM Transducer Your Matrix 67...

Страница 8: ...ed for military use however civilians may also take advantage of its highly accurate position capabilities typically within 10 meters depending on conditions This means that 95 of the time the GPS receiver will read a location within 10 meters of your actual position Your GPS Receiver also uses informationfromWAAS theWideAreaAugmentationSystem EGNOS theEuropeanGeostationary Navigation Overlay Serv...

Страница 9: ...lso has a multi media card MMC slot that is used to insert optional purchase cards containing additional detailed maps If you insert an MMC that contains a more detailed chart for a particular location your Matrix Fishing System will retrieve that chart and display it automatically Use the illustration to locate the position of the MMC slot cover and use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove the M...

Страница 10: ...the second return to determine bottom hardness Hard bottoms will show a strong second return while soft bottoms will show a very weak one or noneatall CursorDialogBox indicatescursordepthonthe the cursor position is shown the distance to cursor position for later retrieval and use BaitBall HardBottom RockyBottom Distance distance traveled with Temp Speed AccessoryorGPSReceiver NOTE Entriesinthisvi...

Страница 11: ...thesamedepth Fish fish are displayed as arches and or fish icons and the unit can be set to alarm when a fish of a certain size is detected When a target is detected and Fish ID TM is on a Fish ID TM symbol with depth is displayed The size of the symbol shows the intensity of the sonar return The unit will clearly show schools of Bait Fish as clouds of different shapes and sizes depending on the n...

Страница 12: ...ontact our Customer Resource Center at 1 334 687 0503 SonarViewisthedefaultview WhentheVIEWkeyispressed thedisplaycyclesthroughtheavailable views When the EXIT key is pressed the display cycles through the available views in reverse order AnyviewcanbehiddenordisplayedaspartoftheviewrotationusingSelectViewfromtheAdvanced SetupMenu NOTE Whenyouchangeanymenusettingsthataffectthesonar theviewwillupdat...

Страница 13: ...ese information boxes can be customized to show only the information desired see Setup Menu Tab Select Readouts NOTE If the Depth number is flashing it means that the unit is having trouble locating the bottom Thisusuallyhappensifthewateristoodeep thetransducerisoutofthewater theboatismovingtoo fast orforanyotherreasonthattheunitcan taccuratelyreceivecontinuousdata FreezeFrame Pressinganyarrowonth...

Страница 14: ...ate possible for depth conditions and shows only the returns from the bottom structure and fish that are within the transducer beam The RTS Window plotsthedepthandintensityofasonarreturn SeeSonarMenu RTS Window The Narrow RTS Window indicates the sonar intensity throughtheuseofgrayscale The grayscale used matches the bottom view grayscale setting used in the sonar history window i e Inverse Struct...

Страница 15: ...hedisplay ASoftBottomsuch as mud or sand appears as a thicker line across the display Rocky Bottoms have a broken random appearance The sonar returns from the bottom structure and fish can be represented as either Inverse default WhiteLine StructureID orBottomBlack SeeSonarX PressTM Menu BottomViewfordetailsonhow tosetthebottomview Bottom Contour Profile with RTS Window Rocky Bottom Hard Bottom So...

Страница 16: ...nswillbeclearlyvisibleonthedisplay WhiteLine highlights the strongest sonar returns in white resulting in a distinctive outline This has the benefit of clearly definingthebottomonthedisplay Bottom Black displays all pixels below the bottom contour as black regardless of signal strength This has the benefit of providingahighcontrastbetweenthebottomandothersonar returns on the display Any targets su...

Страница 17: ...magnified image of the bottom TheZoomPreviewBoxshowswherethezoomedviewisinrelationtothefullrangeview The ZoomLevel ormagnification isdisplayedinthelowerleftcornerandcanbechangedtosuitconditions see Sonar X PressTM Menu Zoom Level Upper and Lower Zoom Depth Range numbers indicate the depthofthewaterwhichisbeingviewed Digital depth is displayed in the upper left hand corner The digital readouts in t...

Страница 18: ...nalarge easy to seeformat Depthisalwaysdisplayed Readouts for temperature speed and Triplog information are displayed automatically if the appropriate accessory is connected to the Matrix Fishing System The Triplog shows distance traveled average speed and time elapsed since the Triplog was last reset The digital readouts in the Big Digits View cannotbecustomized Big Digits View Depth Temperature ...

Страница 19: ...sahistoricallogofsonarreturnsfromthe455kHz right and left looking sonar New information appears at the top and scrolls down the display Thesonarinformationfromtheside lookingbeamsrevealsbottomcontour structureandfishsimilar tothedown lookingbeam buttheareacoveredistotheleftandrightoftheareashowninthedown lookingportion soyouactuallyseemoreofthebottom Thedistancecoveredbytherightandleft90 beamsisba...

Страница 20: ...ft Right and Both The default view is Both Informationfromboththeleftandrightbeamsaredisplayedsimultaneously Thedepthofthewater beneaththeboatisalwaysdisplayed Abottomcontourmaybepresentwhilebankfishingorfishing riverchannels Whenfishingintheopenwater abottomcontourwillnotbepresent andonlysonar returns from either debris or fish will be displayed WideSide View Left Side View Bank Contour Water Sur...

Страница 21: ...tyoucanlookofftothesides orevenbehindtheboat PressingtheRIGHTorLEFTarrowkeysonthe4 WAYCursorkeyturnstheeyepointrightorleft while pressingtheUParrowkeymovestheeyepointforward andpressingtheDOWNarrowkeymovesthe eyepointbackward PressingtheEXITkeymovestheeyepointbacktoitsoriginalpositionbehindandabovetheboat Bird s Eye View Depth Land Contours Boat Icon Water Surface Temperature Latitude and Longitud...

Страница 22: ... and the current route when navigating are overlaid on the chart You can use the 4 WAY Cursor Control key toshift panthecharttoanotherarea YoucanusetheZOOM keystozoominandout Youcan usetheINFOkeytogetinformationonthechartobjectsnearthecursor Chart View with Active Cursor Depth Cartography Latitude and Longitude Position of Cursor Bearing of Boat with Respect to True North Distance to the Cursor an...

Страница 23: ...noftheboatisshownatthetopofthedisplay Inotherwords objectsaheadoftheboatare drawn above the boat In both orientations the view pans automatically so that the boat is always centeredonthedisplay Whentheboatisstationary itisdrawnasacircle Whentheboatisinmotion ittakesonaboatshape pointedinthedirectionofmotion alwaysUpintheCourse Uporientation Viewing Cartography In the Chart or Combo Views there are...

Страница 24: ...ITkeytoremovetheinformationboxandthecursorbull seyewillbecentered over the port position The cursor information boxes at the bottom of the display will indicate the distanceandbearingtotheportfromyourpresentposition NearestTideStation Tideinformationforthenearesttidestationtoyourpresentpositionwillbedisplayed Thisincludesthepositionofthestationandthetimesofthehighandlowtidesfortoday sdate Atidegra...

Страница 25: ...ext As you travel a route staying on the route line is the most efficient way to get to your destination although you should always look outforobstaclesnotshownonthechart YourMatrixFishingSystemcanstoreupto10routesthatcan eachcontainupto20waypoints Tracks consist of detailed position history and are displayed as a breadcrumb trail of trackpoints The CurrentTrackshowsthepositionhistorysincetheunitw...

Страница 26: ...bmenu Program a specific position as a waypoint To create a waypoint that is NOT your current position from the Waypoints submenu select the Create option and press the RIGHT Cursor key Use the Cursor keys to program a waypoint name latitude longitude and icon before selecting Save Edit a waypoint From the Waypoints submenu select Edit and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display a list of saved wayp...

Страница 27: ... waypoint to which you would like to navigate from the waypoint list and press the RIGHT Cursor key to select it NOTE Byrepeatingthepreviousinstructions youcanaddmorewaypointstocreatealongermulti segment route Skipping a waypoint From the Navigation X PressTM menu select Skip Next Waypoint and press the RIGHT Cursor key If there is not another waypoint to skip to navigation will be cancelled Cance...

Страница 28: ...dd the grid The trolling grid will appear on all of the navigation views and can be used as a guide when trolling around a waypoint The grid can be rotated to any desired heading using Grid Rotation from the Navigation Main menu To remove the trolling grid choose Remove Grid from the Navigation X Press menu NOTE Only one waypoint can have either a target or a grid at one time If you apply a target...

Страница 29: ... the RIGHT Cursor key Re name the route or change delete or re order the waypoints used in the route Delete a saved route From the Routes submenu select Delete and press the RIGHT Cursor key Select the route you wish to delete and press the RIGHT Cursor key You will be asked to confirm your choice by pressing the RIGHT Cursor key again before the route is deleted Travelasavedroute FromtheRoutessub...

Страница 30: ...he Tracks submenu select Edit and press the RIGHT Cursor key to display the listofsavedtracks SelectthetrackyouwanttoeditandpresstheRIGHTCursorkey WhentheEditTrack dialog box appears use the Cursor keys to move between fields In the Track Name field the UP and DOWNCursorkeyschangetheletterornumber Allupperandlowercaselettersareavailable aswellas digits0 9andsomepunctuationcharacters YoucanexittheT...

Страница 31: ...nd hold the POWER LIGHT key for 3 seconds to turn the unit off A message will appear telling youhowmanysecondsthereareuntilshutdownoccurs YourMatrixFishingSystemshouldalwaysbe turnedoffusingthePOWER LIGHTkey Thiswillensurethatshutdownoccursproperlyandanymenu settingswillbesaved VIEW Key The VIEW key is used to cycle through all available views Press the VIEW key to advance to the next view Repeate...

Страница 32: Sonar Navigation SetupandAccessoriestabsarepartofyourtabbedMainMenuSystem UsetheLEFTorRIGHT4 WAYCursor Controlkeytoselectatab thenusetheDOWNorUPkeytoselectthemenuitem andtheLEFTorRIGHT keytoalteramenusetting 4 WAY Cursor Control Key The4 WAYCursorControlKeyhasmultiplefunctions dependingonthesituation Freeze Frame Pressing any arrow on the 4 WAY Cursor Control key will freeze the display in the ...

Страница 33: ...ngethescaleoftheviewtoappearcloserorfartheraway EXIT Key TheEXITkeyhasmultiplefunctions dependingonthesituation Ifanalarmissounding pressingEXITwillcancelthealarm Ifamenutabisselected pressingEXITwillexitthemenumodeandreturntotheview Ifamenuisactive pressingEXITwillreturntothepreviouslevelinthemenusystem PressingEXITwillcyclethroughtheavailableviewsinreverseorder IfFreezeFrameisactive pressingEXIT...

Страница 34: ...sories in this manual as well as your accessory sOperationsManualforadditionaldetails NOTE Accessories to enable WeatherSenseTM and the SmartCastTM Wireless Sonar Link require separate purchases You can visit our website at www humminbird com or contact our Customer Resource Centerat1 334 687 0503foradditionaldetails Powering Up the Unit Turn on your Matrix Fishing System by pressing the POWER LIG...

Страница 35: ...pear dependingontheviewyouarein MainMenuTabs Lessfrequently adjustedmenusaregroupedintotheMainMenuSystem TheMain Menu system is organized under the following tab headings to help you find a specific menu item quickly Alarms Sonar Navigation iftheGPSReceiverisattached Setup andAccessories Press the MENU key twice for the Main Menu then use the 4 WAY Cursor LEFT or RIGHT key to select a tab and use ...

Страница 36: ...h back to Normal Mode For example if yousetspecificviewstobevisiblewhileinAdvancedUserMode andthenreturntoNormalUserMode thoseviewswillstillbevisible SeeSetupMenuTab UserModeforspecificinstructionsonchangingto AdvancedUserMode Total Screen Update when you change any menu settings that affect the Sonar View the view will update immediately i e you don t have to exit the menu to apply the change to ...

Страница 37: ...tor to learn how to use your Matrix Fishing Systembeforetakingyourboatonthewater TheSimulatoris a very powerful tool that simulates on the water operation providing a randomly updated display We recommend going throughthismanualwhileusingtheSimulator sinceallofthe menus function and affect the display the way they actually dowheninNormaloperation NOTE TogetthefullbenefitoftheSimulator itisimportan...

Страница 38: ...ssoryTestliststheaccessoriesconnectedtothesystem NOTE The speed accessory will be detected only if the paddlewheel has moved since your Matrix Fishing System was poweredup GPSDiagnosticViewshowsaskychartandnumericaldatafromtheGPSreceiver Theskychartshows thelocationofeachvisibleGPSsatellitewithitssatellitenumberandasignalstrengthbar Adarkgrey bar indicates that the satellite is being used to deter...

Страница 39: ...matedPositionError PC Connect With PC Connect Cable Only Use PC Connect to update the software of the Matrix Fishing System control head This feature requires the use of the PC Connect Cable Complete instructions are included with the PC Connect Cable accessory NOTE The PC Connect Cable requires a separate purchase For more information visit our website at www humminbird comorcontactourCustomerRes...

Страница 40: ... System The WideSide View menu choice is available when Transducer Select is set to WideSide see Sonar Menu Tab Transducer Select and can only be accessed from the Sonar X PressTM menu when you are in WideSide view NOTE The WideSide View requires the purchase of the WideSide transducer You can visit our website at www humminbird com to order this accessory online or contact our Customer Resource C...

Страница 41: ... may be of interest Decreasing the sensitivity eliminates the clutter from the display that is sometimes present in murky or muddy water If Sensitivityisadjustedtoolow thedisplaymaynotshowmanysonarreturnsthatcouldbefish ToadjusttheSensitivity 1 HighlightSensitivityontheSonarX PressTM menu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to increase or decrease the Sensitivity setting Low 1 High 2...

Страница 42: ...ssofthemanualsettingsentered ToadjusttheUpperRange 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedMode thenhighlightUpperRangeontheSonarX PressTM menu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to increase or decrease the Upper Range setting 0to1490feetor0to497meters InternationalModelsOnly Default 0 Forexample ifyouareonlyinterestedintheareabetween20and50feetdeep youshould set the Upper Depth Range to 20 and t...

Страница 43: ...mum distance of 10 feet will be maintained between the Upper and Lower Range regardlessofthemanualsettingsentered ToadjusttheLowerRange 1 HighlightLowerRangeontheSonarX PressTM menu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to increase or decrease the Lower Range setting AUTO 10to1500feet 3to500meters InternationalModelsOnly Default AUTO For example if you are fishing in 60 feet of water b...

Страница 44: ... connected thenhighlightSideBeamRangeontheSonarX PressTM menu 2 UsetheLEFTorRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeystoincreaseordecreasetheSideBeamRange setting 6 240feetor2 80meters InternationalModelsOnly Default 33feet 10meters Chart Speed Chart Speed determines the speed at which the sonar information moves across the display and consequently the amount of detail shown A faster speed shows more information...

Страница 45: ...en the bottom and other sonar returns on the display Any targets such as fish structure and thermoclines will be shown using the Structure ID method See Bottom Presentation for more information ToadjusttheBottomView 1 HighlightBottomViewontheSonarX PressTM menu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Bottom View setting Inverse StructureID WhiteLine BottomBlack Default Inve...

Страница 46: ...avigationX PressTM menu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytoinitiatesavingthecurrenttrack 3 The Confirm dialog box will appear To save the current track press the RIGHT Cursor key oncemore Tocancelsavingthecurrenttrack presstheLEFTCursorkey Clear Current Track ClearCurrentTrackallowsyoutoclearthecurrenttrackbeingdisplayed andstartanewtrackatthepresentposition ToClearCurrentTrack 1 HighlightClearCu...

Страница 47: ...ionX PressTM menu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytoinitiateskippingthenextwaypoint 3 The Confirm dialog box will appear To skip the next waypoint press the RIGHT Cursor key once more Tocancelskippingthenextwaypoint presstheLEFTCursorkey Cancel Navigation Only When Navigating Cancel Navigation discards the current route and exits Navigation Mode This menu choice will only appearwhenyouarecurrent...

Страница 48: ...choice will only appear when a gridhasalreadybeenappliedtoawaypoint ToRemoveaGrid 1 HighlightRemoveGridontheNavigationX PressTM menu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytoremovethegrid Sonar Window Combo View Only Sonar Window sets the size of the Sonar Window in the Combo View Sonar Window can only be accessedfromtheComboView ToSettheSizeoftheSonarWindowintheComboView 1 Highlight Sonar Window on th...

Страница 49: System and thenpresstheRIGHTCursorkeytoselecttheSonartab NOTE Menu choices will vary depending on system settings such as whether the unit is set for Advanced User mode or what transducer iscurrentlyselected Sonar Menu www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 50: ... When set to 200 kHz only the returns from the 200 kHz narrow beam will be displayed in the Sonar View the Sonar Zoom View and the Big Digits View The Split Sonar View will continue to display returnsfrombothbeamsintheirrespectivewindows TheRTS WindowintheSonarViewwilldisplay thereturnsfromthe200kHznarrowbeam When set to 83 kHz the returns from the 83 kHz wide beam will be displayed in the Sonar V...

Страница 51: ...turned off the Matrix Fishing System shows only the raw sonar returns on the display These returns will often result in arches forming on the display indicating potential targets Due to the transducer beam angle the distance to a fish decreases as the fish moves into the beam and then increases as it moves out again creating a Fish Arch when this distance change is shown on thedisplay Boatspeed ch...

Страница 52: ...ther Wide or Narrow or turns it off in the Sonar View The RTS Window always updates at the fastest rate possible and onlydisplaysreturnsthatarewithinthetransducerbeam SeeRealTimeSonar RTS Windowfor more information TochangetheRTS Windowsetting 1 HighlightRTSWindowontheSonarmainmenu 2 UsetheLEFTorRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeystochangetheRTS Windowsetting Wide Narrow Off Default Wide 83 kHz Sensitivity...

Страница 53: ...kHz Balance on the Sonar Main Menu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the 455 kHz Balance 10 to 10 Default 0 WideSide Sensitivity Advanced With WideSide Transducer WideSide Sensitivity adjusts the sensitivity of the WideSide beam A WideSide transducer must be attached to the Matrix Fishing System The WideSide Sensitivity menu choice is available when Transducer Select is s...

Страница 54: ...hLinesOnorOff TheDepthLines menuchoiceisavailablewhenUserModeissettoAdvanced seeSetupMenuTab UserMode TochangetheDepthLinessetting 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedUserMode thenhighlightDepthLinesontheSonarmainmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to turn the Depth Lines setting On or Off Off On Default On Depth Lines Depth Lines www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 55: ...yed TheSurfaceCluttermenuchoiceisavailable whenUserModeissettoAdvanced seeSetupMenuTab UserMode TochangetheSurfaceCluttersetting 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedUserMode thenhighlightSurfaceClutterontheSonarmainmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Surface Clutter setting Low 1toHigh 10 Default 5 Surface Clutter www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 56: ...maximumdepthofoperation Theperformanceofyour MatrixFishingSystem can be tuned to the maximum depth you will be fishing in by setting the Max Depth When a maximumdepthisset your MatrixFishingSystem willnotattempttoacquiresonardatabelowthat depth thusincreasingoverallperformance WhenMaxDepthissettoAuto the MatrixFishingSystem will acquire bottom readings as needed within the capacity of the unit If ...

Страница 57: ...saffectstheaccuracyofdeepwaterdepthreadings TochangetheWaterTypesetting 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedUserMode thenhighlightWaterTypeontheSonarmainmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Water Type setting Fresh Salt Default Fresh Transducer Select TransducerSelectallowsyoutoselectwhichtransduceryouwantto use the Matrix Fishing System comes with a DualBeamPLUSTM transducer...

Страница 58: ...on Menu Tab Press the MENU key twice to access the Main Menu System then presstheRIGHTcursorkeytoselecttheNavigationtab NOTE Menuchoiceswillvarydependingonsystemsettings www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 59: ...HT4 WAYCursorControlkeystoviewthe Trackssubmenu TheTracksSubmenucontainsthefollowingmenuchoices Editallowsyoutoselectapreviously savedtrackandedititsname Deleteallowsyoutodeleteatrackfromalistofpreviously savedtracks Visibilityallowsyoutodisplayorhideeachsavedtrack Tracks Submenu www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 60: ...heChartandComboViewscanalsobechanged Edit allows you to choose from a list of previously saved waypoints then edit the Name Position Latitude and Longitude and select the Icon that will be used to represent the waypoint in the Chart andComboViews Deleteallowsyoutodeleteawaypointfromthelistofsavedwaypoints GoToallowsyoutoselectawaypointandstartnavigationtowardthatwaypoint oraddthatwaypoint totheend...

Страница 61: the current route this menu setting also begins navigation on this route Routes can be traveled in either the forward or reverse direction Info displays information about the route including the distance and bearing from each waypoint to the next View Orientation ViewOrientationallowsyoutoselectwhethertheChartandCombo ViewsshouldbedrawnNorth UporCourse Up TochangetheViewOrientationsetting 1 Hig...

Страница 62: ...o the Basic Navigation and Underwater information TochangetheChartDetailLevelsetting 1 HighlightChartDetailLevelontheNavigationmainmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Chart Detail Level setting Basic Navigation Underwater All Default All NOTE Somechartdetailsareonlyavailableonoptional purchaseMMCcharts Map Borders MapBordersallowsyoutodisplayorhidemapborders AMap B...

Страница 63: ...e Spot Soundings setting Hidden Visible Default Hidden North Reference North Reference allows you to have bearings displayed with one of twoorientations TrueNorthorMagneticNorth TochangetheNorthReferencesetting 1 HighlightNorthReferenceontheNavigationmainmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the North Reference setting True Magnetic Default True Grid Rotation Grid Rotati...

Страница 64: ...elordrift settingbothTrackpointIntervalandTrackMinDistancetosmallvalues willallowyoutoincreasethetrackresolution Track Min Distance Advanced Track Min Distance allows you to set a minimum distance of travel before a trackpoint is added tothetrack NOTE TrackMinDistanceworksinconjunctionwithTrackpointInterval Bothconditionsmustbemet beforeatrackpointisaddedtothecurrenttrack TochangetheTrackMinimumDi...

Страница 65: ...andmoveittothenewcoordinates 2 Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode then highlight Set Simulation Position on the Navigationmainmenu 3 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytochangetheSimulationPositionsetting Set Map Offset Advanced SetMapOffsetallowsyoutochangethemapoffsetusedbytheMatrixFishingSystem NOTE TheMapOffsetwillbeappliedtoallmapsandnotjustthemapthatrequiresthecorrection The MapOffsetshoul...

Страница 66: ...mainmenu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytocleartheMapOffset Delete All Nav Data Advanced DeleteAllNavDataallowsyoutodeleteallsavedTracks WaypointsandRoutes Thismenuchoiceshould beusedwithcaution ToDeleteAllNavigationData 1 Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode then highlight Delete All Nav Data on the Navigationmainmenu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytodeleteallnavigationdata www reelschem...

Страница 67: ...ain MenuSystem TheAlarmstabwillbethedefaultselection NOTE When an alarm is triggered you can silence it by pressing anykey Thealarmwillbesilenced andwillnotbetriggeredagain untilanewinstanceofthealarmconditionisdetected Alarms Menu www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 68: ...Fish ID Alarm sounds when the Matrix Fishing System detects fish thatcorrespondtothealarmsetting FishIDAlarmwillonlysoundif FishID TM ison TochangetheFishIDAlarmsetting 1 HighlightFishIDAlarmontheAlarmsmainmenu 2 UsetheLEFTorRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeystochangetheFishIDAlarmsetting Off All Large Medium Large Default Off All Large Medium Large For example if you ve set the Fish ID Alarm to sound for...

Страница 69: ...BatteryAlarmsetting 1 HighlightLowBatteryAlarmontheAlarmsmainmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Low Battery Alarm setting Off 8 5V 13 5V Default Off Off Course Alarm OffCourseAlarmsoundswhentheboathasmovedtoofaroffcourse based on the menu setting when navigating Off Course Alarm allows you to set how far the boat is allowedtomoveoffcoursebeforetheOffCourseAlarmwil...

Страница 70: ...d on the menu setting Drift Alarm allows you to set the size of a perimeter around the boat s anchored position if the anchored boat drifts outside of that perimeter theDriftAlarmwillsound TochangetheDriftAlarmsetting 1 Highlight Drift Alarm on the Alarms main menu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to changetheDriftAlarmsetting Off 30to3000feet 10to 1000 meters International Models...

Страница 71: ...ain MenuSystem thenpresstheRIGHTcursorkeyuntiltheSetuptabis selected NOTE Menu choices will vary depending on system settings such as whethertheunitissetforAdvancedUsermodeandwhataccessories areattachedtotheunit Setup Menu Tab www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 72: ...els Only TochangetheUnits Tempsetting 1 HighlightUnits TempontheSetupmenu 2 UsetheLEFTorRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeystochangetheUnits Tempsetting Celsius Fahrenheit Default Celsius Units Distance Units Distance selects the units of measure for all distance related readouts TochangetheUnits Distancesetting 1 HighlightUnits DistanceontheSetupmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to ch...

Страница 73: ...or Advanced WhensettoNormal defaultsetting onlythebasicmenuoptionsareshown WhensettoAdvanced additionalmenuchoicesareavailable TochangetheUserModesetting 1 HighlightUserModeontheSetupmenu 2 UsetheLEFTorRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeystochangetheUserModesetting Normal Advanced Default Normal Language International Only Languageselectsthedisplaylanguageformenus InternationalModelsOnly TochangetheLanguage...

Страница 74: ...iplogReset 3 The Confirm dialog box will appear To reset the Triplog press the RIGHT Cursor key once more TocancelResetTriplog presstheLEFTCursorkey Restore Defaults Restore Defaults resets ALL menu settings to their factory defaults Usethismenuchoicewithcaution ToRestoreDefaults 1 HighlightRestoreDefaultsontheSetupmenu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytoinitiaterestoringdefaults 3 The Confirm di...

Страница 75: ... SplitSonarView BigDigitsView The display status of these views can be changed only when in Advanced User Mode see Setup Menu Tab User Mode ToSelectViews 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedUserMode thenhighlightSelectViewsontheSetupmenu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytoinitiatethisprocedure 3 TheSelectViewssubmenuwillappear showingalistofallViewsthatcanbehiddenormade visible Use the UP or DOWN Cursor ke...

Страница 76: ...Temp Speed Each data window can either be empty or containoneofthefollowing Heading Temperature Navigation Time Date Position Triplog Speed Voltage ToSelectReadouts 1 Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode then highlight Select Readouts on the Setup main menu 2 UsetheRIGHT4 WAYCursorControlkeytoinitiatethisprocedure 3 The Select Readouts submenu will appear showing a list of all Readouts Use the ...

Страница 77: ...pOffsetwilladjustthetemperaturereadoutbytheamountentered Thismenuchoiceisavailable onlywheninAdvancedUserMode seeSetupMenuTab UserMode TochangetheTempOffsetsetting 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedUserMode thenhighlightTempOffsetontheSetupmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Temp Offset setting 10 0to 10 0degrees Default 0 Speed Calibration Advanced with Temp Speed Only Sp...

Страница 78: ...for your local time zone Selecting Off leaves the time displayasadjustedforyourlocaltimezone ThismenuchoiceisavailableonlywheninAdvancedUser Mode seeSetupMenuTab UserMode TochangetheDaylightSavingsTimesetting 1 Make sure you are in Advanced User Mode then highlight Daylight Savings Time on the Setupmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to turn Daylight Savings Time On or Off Off O...

Страница 79: ...IGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the Time Format 12 hour 24 hour Default 12hour Date Format Advanced International Only Date Format changes the date format used by the unit This menu choice is available only when in Advanced User Mode see Setup Menu Tab User Mode International Models Only Date Format selectstheformatforthedatedisplaywhenTime DateisselectedasaDigitalReadoutontheSonar View s...

Страница 80: ...t APB AutopilotSentenceB BWR BearingandDistancetoWaypoint RMB RecommendedMinimumNavigationInfo ToturnNMEAOutputonoroff 1 MakesureyouareinAdvancedUserMode thenhighlightNMEAOutputontheSetupmenu 2 Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4 WAY Cursor Control keys to change the NMEA Output to On or Off Off On Default Off Sonar SonardeactivatesSonarandremovestheSonarViewsfromtheview rotation Off On Default On ToturnSonar...

Страница 81: ...l menu choices that support the accessory will be added automatically SeetheOperationsManualthatcomeswithyouraccessoryfordetailedinformation NOTE AccessoriestoenableWeatherSenseTM andtheSmartCastTM WirelessSonarLinkrequireseparate purchases You can visit our website at www humminbird com or contact our Customer Resource Centerat1 334 687 0503foradditionaldetails Accessories Menu Tab no accessories...

Страница 82: ...tery terminals or wiring or actuallyreplacingthebatteryifnecessary Fishing System Defaults to Simulator with a Transducer Attached Aconnectedandfunctioningtransducerwillcausethenewly startedMatrixFishingSystemtogointo Normaloperatingmodeautomatically If whenyoupoweruptheMatrixFishingSystem itgoesinto Simulator mode automatically even though a transducer is already connected this means that the con...

Страница 83: ...transducer cavitation may be interfering with the inter pretation of sonar data See your Installation Guide for suggestions on adjusting the transducer position Electrical noise from the boat s engine may be interfering with sonar reception See Finding the Cause of Noise for more information Sonar readings may be affected if the transducer is not positioned correctly i e mounted at an angle not st...

Страница 84: ...ine whether the boat s engine is the source of the noise increase the RPMs while the boat is in neutral and stationary to see if the noise increases proportionately if noise appears when you rev the engine the problem could be the sparkplugs alternator ortachometerwiring Replacethespark plugswithresistorplugs installanalternatorfilter orroutethe control head power and transducer cables away from t...

Страница 85: ...tandardfordatacommunication Wireless Sonar Link WSL purchase the Wireless Sonar Link WSL accessory to receive remote sonar signals from a SmartCastTM Remote Sonar Sensor RSS Radio signals from the RSS are received by the WSLandaretransmittedovertheAccessoryBustothe MatrixFishingSystem PCConnectCable PurchasethePCConnectCabletoconnectthe MatrixFishingSystemtoaPCinorder to upload product software up...

Страница 86: ...200kHzand83kHzDualBeamPLUSTM AreaofCoverage 60 10dBin83kHz 20 10dBin200kHz TargetSeparation 2 Inches 63 5mm PowerRequirement 10 20VDC LCD 640Vx320H Transducer XHS 9 20 T TransducerCableLength 20ft 6m NOTE Productspecificationsandfeaturesaresubjecttochangewithoutnotice www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 87: ...81 Notes www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...

Страница 88: ...y Friday 8 00 a m to 4 30 p m Central Standard Time 334 687 0503 By e mail typically we respond to your e mail within three business days custserv techsonic com For direct shipping our address is Techsonic Industries Inc Service Department 108 Maple Lane Eufaula AL 36027 USA www reelschematic com www reelschematic com ...
