: Do not disassemble the sensor. There are no user-serviceable parts
inside. Removing the screws from the sensor (part A) will damage the waterproof
seal, thus voiding the warranty.
: Do not immerse in water or pressure wash. Doing so may allow water
to infiltrate the sensor, voiding the warranty.
Since the sensor has no moving parts, it requires minimal maintenance. Clean the
sensor with a soft damp cloth and mild household detergent.
Problems with the Sensor
• Is there power to the sensor?
• Are all the connections tight?
• Is the cable-run free of kinks or damage?
• Is the sensor wired correctly?
• Is there damage to the sensor?
• Is the sensor exposed to excessive vibration?
Problems with the Compass
• Is the sensor installed facing forward and parallel to the centerline of the boat?
• Is the compass calibrated?
• Is there interference from ferrous metals, electronic equipment, electric motors,
batteries, or cables that are creating a magnetic field?
• Is the sensor mounted near the boat’s center of gravity?
Problems with the Rate Gyro or Accelerometer
• Is the sensor installed reasonably level with the waterline?
• Is the sensor mounted near the center of the vessel’s fore-aft axis?
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