Before using MedLink™ Pro, you must point the application to the server where the MedLink™ Pro server application and database is
installed. The server application and database should only be installed by an authorized service technician. The following steps explain
how to configure MedLink™ to point to the correct server.
You must have administrator privileges to perform this task.
1. Load the MedLink™ Pro application and the login screen opens.
2. Click on the menu icon in the title bar to access the Setup screen.
3. In the Setup screen, enter the server address where the MedLink™ server application and database are installed. Server
address may be obtained from hospital IT personnel or authorized service technician.
The COM port field will be automatically entered if the MedLink™ Drawer system is connected properly.
MedLink™ Pro is now set up to connect to the right server. You should only need to go through this process once during the
first installation or if a different PC or Drawer system is used on the cart.
Figure 1 – Login
Screen at initial setup
Figure 2 – Login
Setup Screen