T: (1) 866-312-1652
Out of Service Procedure
In the event of an emergency safety shower, eye bath or eye/face wash unit being temporarily out of service, a standard
procedure should be followed.
Place a sign on the unit indicating it is ‘Out of Service’.
Notify the relevant manager/supervisor of the area that the unit is out of service
Prohibit or suspend any work where there is a significant hazard requiring use of the unit
If work cannot be prohibited or suspended, a portable unit must be provided to supply the initial wash only, after
which it will be necessary to move the person to a plumbed emergency safety shower, eyebath or eye/face wash
unit to complete the procedure.
Note: Portable units are not acceptable as a long-term substitute for permanent locations.
A selection of our emergency safety showers are available to hire. Ensure your workforce are protected around
the clock, visit www.hughes-safety.com/us/rentals for more information.
If you require further assistance please contact us:
T: (1) 866-312-1652