INPUT: The BATT has two input jacks, on the front and one at the back The
input sensitivity of both are equal, and either can accommodate active or passive
basses. The front panel input has priority, i.e. Instrument Input 2 on the back is
automatically disconnected when the front panel jack is in use.
GAIN: The gain potentiometer controls the input level and thereby the sound
characteristics of the preamp tubes. At low gain settings the BATT imbues the bass
with warmth and fullness, and at medium levels delivers a fairly raw rock punch.
From center settings onward, depending on the output level of the instrument
itself, the preamp tubes add more and more harmonic distortion, thus intensifying
the sound of the bass with characteristic tube overdrive.
MASTER: The MASTER control affects the overall output level of the signal at
the LINE OUT and INSTRUMENT OUT jacks (assuming the TUBE/BYPASS
switch in the back of the unit is in TUBE position), but does not affect the PA
OUT, which remains a constant line-level signal, nor the SPEAKER
volume of which is controlled soley by the GAIN.
TONE: The control labeled TONE is a “one-knob tweaker” which can sweep the
entire frequency range from powerful “cellar-bass” to the most transparent highs.
Left of center (range from 30 Hz to 150 Hz), the low end will be boosted by a
preset amount b 4 dB to + 18 dB. In the center position both the bass
and the treble receive a slight boost. Roight of center (range from 3 KHz to 15
KHz) the high end receives an ever- increasing amount of boost ranging from + 4
dB to + 22 dB, with a simultaneous reduction in bass.