Input Key Function
Throttle/Rudder Stick
Elevator/Aileron Stick
Forward and backward movement of the stick makes the helicopter
move forward and backward respectively. Left and right movement of
the stick makes the helicopter drift sideways left/right respectively.
(1) Throttle /Aileron stick
Forward and backward movement of the stick makes the helicopter
ascend and descend respectively. Left and right movement of the
stick makes the helicopter drift sideways left/right respectively
(2) Elevator/Rudder Stick
Forward and backward movement of the stick makes the helicopter
move forward and backward respectively. Left and right movement
of the stick will rotate the helicopter's fuselage left/right respectively.
Aileron Trim
Aileron trim subsidiary adjusts left and right drift.
Elevator Trim
Elevator trim subsidiary adjusts forward and backward movement.
Rudder Trim
Rudder trim subsidiary adjusts left and right rotation.
Throttle Trim
Throttle trim subsidiary adjusts ascent and descent.
Power SW
Pushing up switches on the power transmitter, pulling down
switches it off.
Neck Strap Eyelet
For the attachment of a neck strap which eases the tension of your
hands from holding the transmitter.
Transmits wireless signal
DSC (Optional)
Connects to the data cable of computer simulator.
Forward and backward movement of the stick makes the helicopter
ascend and descend respectively. Left and right movement of the
stick will rotate the helicopter’s fuselage left/right respectively.
Can be used to charge the rechargeable battery pack (excluded)
inside the transmitter (at charge current 50mA, Voltage ≤ 12V.)
Notice: It is dangerous to charge a non-rechargeable battery
pack via this charge port.
It is dangerous to use the accompanied wall adapter as a DC
power supply.
6.3 Hovering and Cyclic Trim
Because your helicopter’s rotors create a ‘downdraft’ any
attempt to hover at too low an altitude (height) is more
difficult than hovering a little higher. This difficulty is
because the downdraft from your rotors is bounced back off
the ground, resulting in turbulent air around the
helicopter-this is referred to as ‘Ground Effect’. For this
reason, we recommend that you begin your hovering
practices at about 1 meter off the ground.
1. Keeping a safe 1 to 2 meters from your model, S-M-O-O-T-H-L-Y advance the
collective Throttle joystick until your helicopter reaches approximately waist height.
Collective Power
Increases/decreases the Flying Height of your helicopter
2.If the helicopter has a tendency to rapidly move in any direction, either:
a.LAND IMMEDIATELY, by S-M-O-O-T-H-L-Y reducing the throttle power. Then
adjust the trim sliders to compensate. Repeat the sequence from Step1, above.
b.GENTLY apply cyclic joystick correction in the opposite direction to the
helicopter’s aberrant movement. Once you’ve established the amount of required
control correction, land your helicopter. Adjust the trim sliders equivalent to the
amount of the applied joystick compensation. Repeat this sequence, beginning at
Step1, above.
3.GENTLY and S-L-O-W-L-Y push forward/pull back on the collective Throttle to
maintain an even height without ‘bouncing’ the helicopter up and down.
Tip: for more sensitive control-and improved ability to mix Throttle and Rudder
inputs-try placing your left thumb on the tip of the collective joystick.
4.S-L-O-W-L-Y reduce the Throttle power and GENTLY land your helicopter.
5.Repeat the exercise, from Step 1 until you can confidently lift, hover and land your
helicopter under full control.
(MODE 2)
(MODE 1)