data on the relationship between ionization charge and vacuum degree of almost all
vacuum interrupters at home and abroad, and send their characteristic parameters to
this series through mathematical processing. product. Therefore, this series of products
have built-in measurement curves of almost all vacuum interrupters at home and abroad,
which is unique among similar products at home and abroad.
4. Treatment of leakage current
When a negative ion current is applied to the moving contact of the vacuum interrupter in
the breaking state, the static contact end will have a leakage current of several
microamps, even if it is the same type of vacuum. The interrupter also has large
individual differences. Especially for the vacuum interrupter installed on the complete
machine, because of the leakage of the surrounding insulating supports, the sum of
these leakages has greater instability and unpredictability. And the value is equivalent to
the ionization current of the vacuum interrupter of the order of 10E-4Pa. We adopt the
method of secondary starting high voltage, deducting the leakage current, and guarantee
the vacuum measurement accuracy of the vacuum interrupter whether installed on the
whole machine or to be installed.
5. Identify the completely leaking vacuum interrupter
In this machine, it is judged whether the vacuum interrupter is completely leaking by
means of high pressure breakdown.
6. Complete input protection circuit
When the vacuum degree of the vacuum interrupter is very low, the vacuum interrupter
will be broken down by high voltage during the measurement, and the instant high
voltage is directly applied to the negative ion current sampling circuit, making it bear a
very strong electrical shock. The sampling circuit adds a complete protection circuit.
Even if the instrument is the first time because the high voltage at the input terminal is
directly applied to the negative ion current sampling terminal, the microcomputer
protection device will immediately start to control and enter the protection state without
causing serious damage to the circuit.
7. Data recording
Built-in micro-printer can print out the measured data at any time.