Y550-L01/L02/L03 Smartphone FAQs
1 Basic functions
Issue 01 (2014-08-07)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
1.10.3 Is there any restriction on the size, format, or resolution of
the file to be attached to a multimedia message?
If an audio or video file exceeds the specified size threshold (depending on your service
provider), it cannot be attached to a message. If a picture is too large, it will be automatically
compressed before being attached to a message. As a result, the resolution of the picture
attached to the message decreases.
1.10.4 Can I save attachments from multimedia messages? Where
are the attachments saved?
By default, after you receive a multimedia message, the attachment is automatically saved to
folder, which is invisible to you.
You can save the attachment to the
folder in the phone storage or SD card: