Other Operations
Enter a string (one or more letters or numbers)
contained in the contact name you are searching
for (which is displayed at the bottom of the
screen). Then the contacts whose names con-
tain this string will be displayed.
You can also find a contact by entering the initials of
the first name and the last name of the contact. For
example, to find a contact named "Alice Green",
enter the initials "ag". This contact will be displayed in
the candidate list.
Other Operations
In the
screen, press the left/right scroll
key to select
.Then select
for the following options.
• Details: To view the details of contact.
• Edit before call: To edit the number before making a
• Create message: To send a message, MMS or
Email to the selected contact.
• New: To create a new contact.
• Send contact: To send a contact to other devices
supporting SMS or Bluetooth.
• Copy to SIM/Copy to phone: To Copy one or more
contacts from your phone to the SIM card or from
your SIM card to the phone.
• Speed Dial Number: To assign often-used numbers
to speed dialing keys "2" to "9".
• My business card: To save your own information to
a Business Card. You can send the information by
SMS or Bluetooth.
• Backup contacts: To back up your contacts from
your phone to a memory card or from your memory
card to your phone.
• Delete: To delete the selected contact.
• Mark/Unmark: To mark/unmark a record or all
records in your phone and SIM card.
• Memory status: To view the memory status of both
your phone and SIM card.
• Settings: To sort the contacts in the phone and the
SIM card or to set an alert before saving.