If the dialup fails, go to
Step 14
Record the results of the preceding steps in the form for reporting a fault (see Fault Report Form),
fill out the entire form, and then submit the form to Huawei for technical support (see
Step 15
5.1.3 Troubleshooting the Failure to Obtain an IP Address in DHCP
This section describes how to troubleshoot a failure to obtain an IP address in Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) mode. When a user accessing the Internet in LAN mode on
fiber to the building (FTTB) and fiber to the curb (FTTC) network fails to obtain an IP address
by DHCP mode, refer to the following guidelines to address the issue.
Fault Location
If the fault occurs, determine the fault location by performing
If the test result is "get IP successful", the link between the optical network unit (ONU) and the
upper-layer BRAS is available, and the fault occurs on the link between the ONU and the user
terminal. Use the following guidelines to locate the fault.
Fault Location
Location Analysis
Possible Causes
User terminal
If the fault does not recur when the
user's PC is replaced, the fault is
on the PC.
The network interface card (NIC) in
the PC is faulty or disabled.
If the fault does not recur when the
user's terminal is replaced, the
fault is on the user's terminal.
The user's terminal is faulty.
Link between
user terminal and
The link state of the user port is
A fault has occurred on the
subscriber line.
The quality of the subscriber line
is deteriorated.
The subscriber line is old.
The subscriber line connectors
are loose.
The user port is not activated.
The user port is deactivated.
The fault does not recur when the
line of the affected user is moved
to another user port.
The user port is faulty.
The configured service port data is
inconsistent with the data plan.
The configured service port data,
such as the port ID, is incorrect.
SmartAX MA5612 Multi-service Access Module
Maintenance Guide
5 Troubleshooting Services Transmitted Through a GPON
Issue 01 (2012-07-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.