vlan service-profile profile-id 20
packet-policy multicast forward
user-bridging enable
vlan bind service-profile 101 profile-id 20
queue-scheduler strict-priority
cos-queue-map cos0 0 cos1 1 cos2 2 cos3 3 cos4 4 cos5 5 cos6 6 cos7 7
protect-group 0
uplink-monitor port 0/19/0
Configure the ONU_A.
pon uplink-mode active-standby
traffic table ip index 10 cir off priority 1 priority-policy local-Setting
traffic table ip index 11 cir off priority 6 priority-policy local-Setting
vlan 100 smart
vlan 101 smart
port vlan 100 0/0 0-1
port vlan 101 0/0 0-1
service-port 2 vlan 100 eth 0/1/1 multi-service user-vlan untagged rx-cttr 10 tx-
cttr 10
service-port 3 vlan 101 eth 0/1/1 multi-service user-vlan 2 rx-cttr 11 tx-cttr 11
vlan service-profile profile-id 10
packet-policy multicast forward
user-bridging enable
vlan bind service-profile 101 profile-id 10
interface eth 0/1
undo traffic-suppress 1 multicast
interface eth 0/0
undo traffic-suppress all multicast
squeue-scheduler strict-priority
17.1.5 Configuration Example of Transmitting Information
Collected in Centralized Mode in the Smart Grid over a Serial Port
An optical network unit (ONU) supports the serial port access service, and transmits the service
upstream to an optical line terminal (OLT) through a gigabit-capable passive optical network
(GPON) port. Then the OLT forwards the service data to upper-layer devices. This process
intelligently collects power consumption information in an electrical power system.
Service Requirements
In an electrical power system, a large amount of meter data needs to be collected in
centralized mode in real time and sent to an automatic meter reading system (AMR) server
for monitoring and processing.
A user-side smart meter has a serial port, through which the ONU connects to the smart
Data is transmitted over a GPON network.
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
17 Electrical Service Configuration
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.