15.2 Data Plan Principles for D-CMTS Services
This section describes the principles of planning frequency spectrum management, device
management, quality of service (QoS), and VLANs for distributed cable modem termination
system (D-CMTS) services.
15.2.1 Frequency Spectrum Management
Total Frequency Bandwidth
The total frequency bandwidth supported by a distributed cable modem termination system (D-
CMTS) ranges from 5 MHz to 1 GHz.
Upstream Frequency Bandwidth
The upstream frequency bandwidth supported by a D-CMTS can be of the European or North
American standard.
European standard: 5 MHz to 65 MHz
North American standard: 5 MHz to 42 MHz
Downstream Frequency Bandwidth
The downstream frequency bandwidth supported by a D-CMTS can be of the European or North
American standard.
European standard: 87 MHz to 1002 MHz
North American standard: 57 MHz to 1002 MHz
Recommended Frequency Spectrum Configuration
lists the recommended frequency spectrum configuration, using the European
standard as an example.
Figure 15-2
Recommended frequency spectrum configuration
SmartAX MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5608T Multi-service
Access Module
Commissioning and Configuration Guide
15 OptiCable D-CMTS Configuration (MA5633 Working as
a Remote Extended Frame)
Issue 01 (2014-04-30)
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