P8 Smartphone FAQs
5 Calls and contacts
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
5.15 Why do I frequently miss the phone calls?
Go to
, under
, touch
Privacy & security
and check whether
Do not disturb
mode is enabled. If yes, disable it.
Volume up the ring tone to the maximum.
Check whether your phone is in the mute or vibrated state for a long period time, or
whether you are frequently in the noisy environment when you miss the phone calls.
Restore your phone to its factory settings.
Update your phone to the latest version.
5.16 Why do I hear noise during phone calls?
If the noise is discontinuous and probabilistic, the causes may be as follows:
The network signals may be poor. Try making phone calls in areas with good signals.
Turn off the 4G network and then turn it back on. If the problem persists, the 4G
network may be newly constructed, which may not be stable.
If the noise is heard when the volume is large and is confirmed not to be caused by the
network environment, the causes may be as follows:
When you are on a call with the other party whose voice may be too large and your
ear is sensitive to that volume, you may hear noise.
If you are uncomfortable with the large volume, set the volume to a lower level.
If you find the receiver volume too small after you set the volume to a lower level,
align the receiver with your ear.
If you are in a noisy environment where you need to increase the volume, use a
headset or Bluetooth headset for phone calls.
5.17 Why does my phone enter airplane mode when a call
The airplane mode is mainly triggered in the following modes:
Triggered using the shortcut switch in the swipe-down signal bar
Triggered using the menu called by pressing and holding the power button
If you make phone calls without placing your phone near your ear, the airplane mode may be
incorrectly triggered in the signal bar before the proximity sensor makes the screen turned off.
You can move the airplane mode switch to the last on the switch list in the signal bar. To
move the airplane mode switch to the last on the switch list, touch the last icon on the switch
screen to access the user-defined shortcut switch screen.