HUAWEI HG655b Home Gateway
User Guide
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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Internet Protocol
The set of standards responsible for ensuring that data packets transmitted over the
Internet are routed to their intended destinations.
IP address
An IP address is the logical address of a network adapter. The IP address uniquely
identifies computers on a network. An IP address can be private, for use on a LAN, or
public, for use on the Internet or other WAN.
Internet Service Provider
An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a commercial enterprise, which allows users,
companies, and organizations to access the Internet.
Local Area Network
A computer network covering a small local area, like a home, office, or small group of
buildings such as a home, office, or college. Current LANs are most likely to be based on
switched Ethernet or Wi-Fi technology running at 10, 100 or 1,000 Mbit/s (1,000 Mbit/s
is also known as 1 Gbit/s).
MAC address
It is a hardware address that uniquely identifies each node of a network.
Megabit per second
A unit used to express the speed of a network.
Network Address Port Translation
NAPT enables a LAN to use one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set
of addresses for external traffic.
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet