eLTE3.1 Dispatch Platform
Product Description
Issue 04 (2014-08-06)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Page 44 of 46
MMs can be made by a terminal user or a dispatching console user to another
terminal user or another dispatching console user, or to the group where
another terminal user or another dispatching console user belongs. An MM
can include text, graph, and voice.
Secondary Development Interfaces on the Dispatching
The software development kit (SDK) can be provided to customers for developing their own
dispatching consoles.
Step 1
The SDK includes secondary development interfaces for all services such as voice, video,
SMs, MMs, and GIS location.
Step 2
The SDK allows customers to obtain user and group information and status.
Step 3
The SDK interface development manual can be provided to customers.